Chapter 8

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I only realized now that I magically changed Hoseok's hair color from black to red. Oh well.

Sobs wracked my small form as I sat in the hallway, sliding down the wall to sit. I tried to keep quiet as I cried, but I could tell I was already garnering some attention from passing nurses and doctors.

I heard the sound of a throat being cleared and looked up to see Yoongi standing over me and holding a hand out for me to take. I took his hand, pulling myself up to stand, trying to cover my face with my short hair. Yoongi pulled me into him, embracing me tight like the day when I found out Hoseok was hurt.

"What's wrong, kitty?" Yoongi brought out the old nickname, petting my hair lightly.

"Hoseok is. . ." I choked out in between the sobs.

"We broke up." I cried.

Yoongi held me tighter.

"That asshole." He growled out.

I pulled away, glaring at Yoongi through my tear-filled eyes.

"You weren't much better, Yoongi." I snarled.

Yoongi frowned at me, shaking his head.

"I know kitty, I know. I never want to hurt you like that again, and I never will." He reassured, his voice a whisper.

I hated it. I hated it so much.

He soothed me but also terrified me in ways I couldn't explain.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around him again to take in the comfort of his presence.

"He's gay, Yoongi. He likes guys." I frowned.

This seemed to come as a surprise to Yoongi as much as it was a surprise to me.

"Minkyon, I'm so sorry you had to find out this way." He sighed, holding my cheek in his palm.

"But please don't cry, it hurts like hell to see you like this."

I sniffled.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying not to cry." I said.

He shook his head.

"I get that you need to let it out, but just give me a chance to make it better. I know somewhere you've been wanting to go for a while." He grinned at me, making me look up at him from my teary eyes.

"Really? Where?" I asked him, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"It's a surprise." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me out of the hospital.

"What about the other boys?" I inquired.

Yoongi shook his head.

"Don't worry about them, they'll understand once they found out what happened." He assured me.

I nodded, following behind him. He led me to a car, holding the door open for me. I gave him a grin, taking a seat in the car.

I knew any sane person wouldn't get into a car with their ex-kidnapper, but to me, Yoongi was special. As terrified as I was of him and what he was capable of, as much as my legs hurt at the painful memories from the past, as vividly as I remembered the memories, I still loved him more than I cared to admit.

Stockholm Syndrome.

I thought to myself.

Perhaps it was Stockholm Syndrome, but I've seen his soft side too. He's been there for me when I needed him, he's nurtured me when I was injured.

But I can't forget that he was also the cause of those injuries.

"Anxious?" He looked to me, starting the car.

Before he pulled out of the parking lot, he leaned over to me, clicking my seatbelt in place with a gentle smile.

"Don't forget your seatbelt."

I nodded, pressing my back into the leather seat.

"I realize I probably should've let you finish your little trip before everything went down." He sighed.

We pulled into the parking lot of a familiar looking museum.

"The art museum?" I looked at Yoongi, confused.

"I don't know if this brings back any bad memories, but I know how much you love art, so I brought you here so you could finish what you started." He smiled at me.

I smiled back at him, unbuckling my seatbelt and leaning over to him to give him a hug.

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded.

"I'm gonna make everything up to you, I should've never hurt you like I did." He held me tight in his arms.

"You'll never feel sad again with me Minkyon. That's a promise." He kissed my forehead.

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now