Chapter 02

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My brush slid across the canvas, a hauntingly familiar room making its way onto my page.

"When you're painting, what you really want to do is lay all your feelings out. Allow them to soak up every inch of your being and then channel those feelings into your work." I explained, looking at the students in my studio.

"Even your deepest fears and darkest memories can be relieved when you put your brush to that canvas."

I walked around the room, examining everyone's paintings with interest. A lot of the art was simple, flowers, animals, landscapes. Nothing too intricate or eye-catching.

I made my way back up to my canvas, painting the familiar cage from my nightmares in a corner of the dark room. The only light around seeped out from under the stairs, illuminating a man standing in the shadows.

It helped to paint these things. I couldn't forget what had happened, but I wasn't going to let that get the best of me.

After my class, I sat at my desk, staring at my canvas and thinking back to the room where I had first awoken after that day at the museum.

The man's handsome face, his gummy smile, the way he stared at me and cherished me as if I was the only thing that mattered in the world, and then... the bruises. The pain that radiated throughout my legs and ankle, the bruises that wrapped around my throat.

The more I thought, the harder it was to breathe. It felt like it was happening all over again and all I could do was hyperventilate.

I felt warm arms wrap around me and a head rest itself on my shoulder and I jumped, accidentally shouldering Hoseok in the chin.

"Feisty." He joked, rubbing his jaw before putting his arms back around me. "It's just me Minnie."

I relaxed into his hug, my breathing slowing down.

Things used to be much worse.

The first night I came home after the hospital I had night terrors. I ended up having to finish my degree online since the idea of leaving my house again was far too traumatic. The only times I'd ever leave were if I were with my mom or Hoseok or at the studio. My mom upgraded it with state of the art security so that I'd feel safer, so I can at least do the things I love doing.

"I know you said you were fine, but I think maybe we should start going to therapy again." Hoseok said, kissing my cheek lightly.


The first few months after the incident were filled with days upon days of therapy. All of it bringing back memories I didn't want to remember. I never told them it was Yoongi, I lied. I told them I never saw his face but that he was tall.

Despite the undeniable pain he put me through, a part of me just couldn't let him pay for his crimes.

"I don't wanna go back to those nut-jobs." I groaned, spinning around to glare at Hoseok. "I don't need a shrink, just you."

Hoseok shook his head. "Fine, but only because you know I can't say no to you." He smiled. I stood up on my tippy toes, kissing him lightly.

"Thank you baby." I grinned, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. Hoseok kissed me back, his arms holding my waist securely.

I felt safe.

Mature Content Ahead 😉

I slid my tongue into his mouth, a groan escaping his lips as he pulled me up to my desk and sat me down on top of it.

I pulled away, smirking at him.

"The table's full." I stated.

Hoseok smirked back at me, pushing books and papers off of the desk, emptying it.

"Better?" He asked. I nodded, pulling him in for another deep kiss.

My hands slid under his shirt, tossing it to the side while I trailed sloppy kisses down the side of his neck. He groaned, his hands scrambling to unbutton my shirt and dispose of it somewhere on the ground.

He pulled away to stare at me, placing kisses down my cleavage lightly. "So beautiful..." He murmured, pushing me back to lay on the desk before digging his face between my legs. I felt his hot breath fan over my underwear and I shivered in delight.

In response to my shivers, his tongue darted out, wetting the fabric covering my most delicate area. My hand reached down instinctively, grabbing his hair.

Hoseok's hands slipped up to remove my panties, leaving me exposed to the elements. He stared at me for a bit before digging his face back down into my crotch. His tongue lapped lightly at my heat, making a moan slip from my lips.

"Fuck... Hoseok." I growled, pulling his hair.

I could feel the smirk on his lips as he continued to eat me out hungrily. His tongue sliding into my vagina as his thumb rubbed at my clitoris. I squirmed under him, more moans slipping out of me.

As his tongue explored every inch of me, I felt my resolve beginning to fade and I gripped his newly red locks tighter.

His nose brushed against my clitoris sending jolts up my spine. I tried to hold back, but I felt the knot that had begun to wind in my stomach coming undone and after a few more licks, my fluids coated his warm, wet tongue.

I let go of his hair, laying back on my desk and panting heavily. He swallowed my cum greedily, licking his lips and pulling me towards him.

"Damn I love you." He giggled, kissing me. I giggled in return at how quickly his mood changed from sexy to cute.

"I love you too babe." I grinned, hopping off the desk and collecting my clothes again. I tossed him his shirt and we both got redressed.

"Let's go home?" He asked.

"Lead the way." I said, taking his hand.

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now