Ending 3

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Y'all don't know how to shut up so I'm finally writing this. Just kidding! I'm writing it because I want to and because I feel so loved I just had to.

Fluffy End

There was no way around this, no matter how hard I tried to think of another solution. After everything this man had put me through, intentionally or not, didn't I have a right? Wasn't I justified in my actions? My thoughts? In fact, I had every right to kill Taehyung too. It'd just be self-defense, wouldn't it? A part of me knew none of the things I was thinking were true. Deep down, I knew that I didn't have any place in these matters, I should've just left while I could've. But the larger part of me knew this had to be done, that I couldn't let these men get away with their injustices to the world. To me.

Yoongi's lengthy time in the shower gave me ample time to think. I knew exactly how I was going to do this, down to the very last detail, I just had to be convincing. As he descended the staircase, entering into the living area, I knew it was time. The last time anyone would ever see Min Yoongi alive.

But then it struck me, it wasn't  Yoongi's fault he had been so fucked up in the head. He had problems, problems he had been trying to fix for me.

If I killed him, I'd be left alone in a world that doesn't give a shit about me.
Yoongi DOES, he's tried his best to make it up to me, the things he did in the past. The only reason he wants to hurt Hoseok is because he cares so much about me he can't stand to see me hurt. I've always felt conflicted about how I felt about the time I've spent with Yoongi. One moment I loved him, one moment I hated him, or I felt nothing at all.

Right now? I loved him. He was trying his best to fix himself, to be 'normal'. I couldn't help but forgive him.

I took the gun I had found, unloading it quickly and putting it back where I had found it. I couldn't kill Yoongi, I wouldn't.

"Minkyon?" Yoongi asked, fussing with his damp hair as he walked down the steps. I spun around at the sound of his voice.

"What're you doing?"

I blinked, before breaking out into a wide grin. "Snooping around." I said.

He rolled his eyes, approaching me in the kitchen. "I see you found my gun." He quirked a brow at me.

"Oh yeah, that." I sighed.

"You weren't planning to kill me or anything, were you?" He smirked.

"I was, actually, then I decided you're a lot more fun alive than dead." I chuckled. "Not only that, but if you were dead, I could never tell you how I truly feel." I smiled.

He seemed confused for a moment before picking me up by my waist and setting me down on the counter.

"And how do you truly feel, Minkyon?" He looked at me, returning my smile.

"Hmmm." I pretended to think for a moment before speaking up again. "I feel like I might just be in love."

Yoongi cracked a gummy grin at my reply, his hands cupping my face as he leaned into me, kissing me gently.

I smiled into the kiss, warmth spreading through my body.

"I love you Yoongi." I whispered, resting my forehead on his. He nodded lightly.

"I love you too, Minkyon." He scooped me up in his arms and I felt safe. I didn't have to worry about what would happen tomorrow, I knew Yoongi and I would make it through. Together.

"I've been thinking, Minkyon..." He mumbled, his deep voice almost inaudible.

"I love you more than anything on this earth, more than I love writing music, and I would do anything to keep you by my side forever." He kissed my forehead, before he pulled away, kneeling down on one knee.

It all went so quickly, my brain hadn't registered what was going on until he spoke again, velvet box in hand.

Stars sparkled in his deep brown eyes, and I couldn't help but be in awe of the beauty of this man.

"Shin Minkyon, will you marry me?"

I gasped at the question, my heart soaring on cloud 9.

I knew this was bound to end badly, but I didn't really care. All the situations we'd gone through meant nothing to me now, not now that Yoongi had professed his love for me so openly.

"Yes, of course." I said, no hesitation or uncertainty.

This was the man I loved, the man I would one day have children with. I knew it in my heart of hearts.

From now on, every breathe I'd take, and every move I'd make, would all be for Min Yoongi... my husband.

The End.

Ok, but seriously. Thank you all for taking this journey with me, your support has kept me going strong even though I'm kind of inactive. Be sure to vote for me to win the Watty's 2019! It'd be really cool if I could win something.

I loved writing this story, and I loved all your feedback, and I loved all of you. Be sure to check out my other books!

I'll be writing another Yandere! BTS AU soon, so if you liked this, be sure to give it a read and some feedback!

Much love,
~ Minkyon

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