Chapter 11

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I woke up from my peaceful slumber, jolting upright. I looked around to see that Yoongi had disappeared, a note on the nightstand on his side of the bed.

'When you wake up, there's some breakfast for you in the fridge. I had to go to work, but I'll be back as soon as I'm done.'

I sighed, putting the slip of paper down and looking around at the room. Despite the fact that Hoseok was now in danger, last night was pretty relaxing. I pulled the covers off of myself, standing up and stretching my lithe body. Should I warn Hoseok? Would that help? What if Yoongi was joking?

The questions floating around in my head had no definitive answers to me. "Fuck." I murmured, collecting my clothing from the bedroom floor. I should get out of here while I still can.

Making my way to the door, I heard a creaking sound from below me. "Just the floorboards." I murmured. I went to go get the breakfast from the fridge, deciding I might as well eat before I go. Another creaking sound from below. I looked in the direction of the creaking. Nothing. I sighed heavily, stuffing my face with the breakfast sandwich that was prepared for me.

Instinctively, I reached into my pocket, withdrawing my phone. I paused for a minute, hovering over a contact before deciding to just get it over with.

"Oh, Minkyon! I'm sorry about yesterday." The voice chirped. "Look, I do still love you, but I can't just..." He paused for a moment to think of what to say.

"Hoseok, it's ok, I'm not worried about that right now. You might be in dang-" I was cut off abruptly by a sharp pain at the back of my neck, a fluid flowing into my bloodstream and immobilizing me. The world spun, my phone fell from my now open palms, I was so tired.

My eyes fluttered open at last, darkness surrounding me despite my eyes being wide open. I could see myself, but no further than my hands and knees. I tried to curse, but my mouth was covered. Shit. I thought to myself. I struggled against the sleepiness that still fogged up my mind. Then I felt a hand untie the cloth around my mouth, watching the red fabric fall to my lap. I gasped, my head turning nervously. "Yoongi, you don't have to do this... you're better than this." I pleaded.

The silhouette of a male stood just beyond my field of vision, but I could make out that it was someone I knew. "I'm not Yoongi." The deep voice grumbled.

Suddenly, a light was switched on above me. "He's at work, just where he's supposed to be." The male said, looking at me. His pink hair was visible in the dull light, bubblegum pink and cheerful, while the visage on his face was anything but.

"T-Taehyung..." I sputtered out, shocked. "Why are you doing this?" Horrible memories of torture flushed through my thoughts and I could do nothing but sit there, shaking like a leaf against my restraints.

"You're bad news, Minkyon. You're going to ruin us, everything we've worked for." He kneeled down, sitting just in front of me. If I could get myself free, I could just leap at him.

"H-how am I bad news?" I asked him, my hands quietly working to untie the restraints from my wrists.

"Hoseok could've died because of you, you put him in a dangerous situation all for your own selfish desires." He spat. "You almost got him killed!" His voice rose in volume, making me freeze up for a moment before continuing to attempt to free myself.

"Tae, he saved my life, you have to understand, I never thought I'd fall in love with him, but he saved me from a fate I never saw coming." I explained.

Taehyung shook his head. "You don't get to call me Tae. If it weren't for you, Jungkook would've never flocked to Hoseok's side. He saw how hurt he was because of you and Yoongi and he wanted to help. He fell in love with Hyung. He left me because you had to get my friends involved in your miserable, pointless life! You know what? Yoongi's going to kill Hoseok and make it look like an accident... and you... well, you'll suffer the same fate but by my hands." His eyes looked crazed. "With Hoseok out of the way, things will be easier and with you out of the way, the rest of us will all be unhappy together!" He growled.

"But what about Jin and Namjoon?" I added, nearly getting myself free because of his lengthy monologue.

"They raised me. Yoongi will be too devastated by his loss and they'll want to comfort him. They'll never notice it was me. Yoongi won't even know who to go after. The grief will bring us all closer, Minkyon. Jungkook will see I'm a good guy, and Jimin... Jimin won't bother me, we had this planned for ages, to claim Jungkook as our own. Hoseok ruined it, you ruined it. If Yoongi had just listened to me... you'd be happy, we'd all be happy."

By the time he finished his speech, I finally got my hands free, waiting for him to continue speaking. He began to ramble on and on, pacing back and forth. While he was distracted, I leaned down ever so slightly, removing the ropes around my legs. I had to think fast. Would I run? Would I scream? Try to knock him out? I quickly looked around the room, a small stovetop in the opposite corner of the room, a pan sitting on top of the stove, rusted and covered in years of dust. The gleam in his pocket was surely a knife, so how... how could I do this? I had to be able to save everyone, at least the ones I could save.

A text dinged through the room, Taehyung swiping open his phone and replying. I crept over to the stovetop, grabbing the dusty pan with my hands. It felt awful in my shaking palms, but it would do. I tried to keep calm, quiet, but as I walked up to attempt to knock him out, a noise sounded from upstairs. Taehyung turned to look, seeing me up and about. "You just made a very wrong move." He murmured.

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now