Chapter 7

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The light beeping of the machines broke me from my state of partial awareness. I looked down at the red-haired male in the bed, clutching his hand tight.

"You're up." A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned, giving Namjoon a smile.

"I wasn't going to be asleep for much longer kneeling on the floor like this." I replied.

"Well, I'm sure Hoseok would be glad you're here if he knew." Namjoon assured me. I nodded, looking back to the red-haired male squeezing at my hand.

"He knows." A mumble of a voice came from below us, my eyes traveling up the person's face to meet his beautiful brown eyes.

"Hoseok. . ." I murmured, leaning down and kissing his face gently. I would've tackled him had it not been for the fact he was injured.

"How'd you get down here Minkyon? I thought you were in Korea." He asked me, sleepily.

"I was, but as soon as I heard you were in the hospital, I spoke to my mother about seeing you and she paid for my ticket." I explained, kissing his forehead.

"Oh god Hoseok, I love you." I whispered loud enough so he could hear.

Hoseok gave me his best grin. "I love you too Minnie! Where are the rest of the boys?"

"They're at the cafeteria eating, they didn't expect you to wake up for a while. The doctor said you'd be out for another few hours if you were going to wake up at all." I explained, looking at him affectionately.

He nodded, squeezing my hand tight.

"I know Jungkookie was worried, I'm sure he'll be happy to know I'm awake." He smiled, his white teeth like a ray of sunshine. 

"I'll leave you two be." Namjoon suddenly spoke up, heading for the door.

"Alright, have fun Joonie!" Hoseok exclaimed.

I was quiet, cherishing the feeling of having him in front of me, awake, alive.

"Minkyon, I have to tell you something." He sighed, his bright smile dissipating, making my heart sink like a brick.

"What is it, baby?" I asked, looking at him worriedly.

"You'll find out one way or another so I think it's just best I tell you." He frowned.

"Hoseok, seriously, what happened?" Why couldn't he get to the punchline already?

"That day when I got hurt. .  . I wasn't really going for a normal walk. . . it was more like a walk of shame." He explained, my face fell.

From my understanding, the walk of shame was what happened after you slept with someone you shouldn't have, but I could be wrong. 

"Hoseok-" I began before he cut me off.

"Minnie. . . I always knew something was different about me, and I'm sorry I had to drag you into this but I'm going to live as the real me now. I love you Minkyon, I do, and there's no easy way to say this. . . but I'm gay." 

As soon as the words left his mouth I was speechless. 



"And that doesn't make what I did okay,  I never should've slept with Jungkook while we were together, but we were alone and there was tension and. . ." I cut him off before he could continue.

"Please don't." I sighed.

"Minkyon. . ." He frowned at my reaction. 

"This is who I am, this is what's going to make me happy. I almost died Minnie, and you'd resent me as soon as you found out about Jungkook and I and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, because I'd be dead. I have to take advantage of my second chance at life, I think you should try stepping out of your comfort zones now. I can't be around to protect you forever." He pat my head.

I smacked his hand away, anger flaring up inside me.

"I get that you almost died, I really do Hoseok. . . but this. . . This is fucking ridiculous." I scoffed.

He looked shocked.

"You know my situation and apparently you KNEW you were different. How could you let me fall in love with you? How could you sleep with a FUCKING GUY?! No offense to Jungkook, but I don't know what diseases he may have and if you recall Hoseok, we slept together, a lot." I huffed, rambling on.

"I can't just 'step out of my comfort zones' either Hoseok. I was perfectly happy before all of this happened. I didn't ask to be kidnapped, I didn't ask to be tortured, and I sure as hell didn't ask to fall in love with the guy who did it AND his best friend." At the realization of what I said, I put my hand up to my mouth.

Did I really just say I was in love with Yoongi? 

Hoseok blinked at me like I was some kind of mental patient. 

My voice was softer now, calmer. 

"The point is, Hoseok. . . I can't just accept this immediately. You can't come back into my life after I thought you were going to die. You saved my life. You made me whole again." 

He shook his head at that.

"Minkyon, you did that yourself, I was just there to pick you up if you fell." He smiled at me gently.

"You'll be okay without me, I know you will. You have your therapist, your mother, your students. You don't need me to be happy." He touched my cheek lightly.

I wanted so badly to just let myself relax into his touch, but I flinched away.

"Minkyon, please." He begged, pouting.

"I care about you, I really do. That won't change just because I'm with a guy instead of you. I'll still be here to support you if you need it, I'll still hold you when you're sad and laugh with you when you're happy. I'll be here, just not as your boyfriend." Hoseok touched my cheek again and I nodded, allowing it.

"It still hurts though." I whined, tears welling up in my eyes as he held my cheek.

"I know princess, I know." He pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder.

He pat my back and pet my hair, comfortingly.

We sat there for a while, embracing each other, until the door opened.

I turned instinctively, gazing at the figure in the doorway.

"Hyung. . . you're awake." The brown-haired boy smiled seeing Hoseok, even though I was there.

I pulled away from Hoseok and made my way to the doorway.

"I'll leave you two alone." I cleared my throat awkwardly as he walked over to Hoseok and held him. 

My hand was on the handle about to open it when Hoseok spoke up.

"Minkyon." He said.

"Yeah?" I turned to look at him.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I nodded, walking out and swallowing my dignity.

As soon as the door closed behind me, my eyes watered and tears began streaking down my face. 

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now