Chapter 13

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After walking for a few miles, I was finally able to catch a taxi. With any luck my phone would still be at Yoongi's place.

I gave the driver the directions as best as I could remember before we pulled up to the familiar home, I payed the driver before bouncing up to the door and trying the knob. Realizing it was locked, I took a pair of Bobby pins from my back pocket, trying to remember the silly survival class I had to take after I came home from the incident that started this all.

I successfully picked the door, putting the pins back in pocket and walking inside, shutting it behind me quietly just in case Yoongi was already home. I slid into the kitchen area, searching for my phone. A smile rose to my lips as I saw the piece of plastic on the ground not far from where I had been knocked out earlier. I went to reach for it, hearing the sound of the door being opened, the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up, my hand quickly scrambling to put the phone away and act normal. I crawled away, pretending to be walking out of the bathroom when Yoongi spoke up. "Minkyon? You still around?" He called out. I cleared my throat, walking into his field of vision.

"Right here!" I exclaimed, giving him a smile. "Sorry for the mess, I kind of made myself at home." I lied, keeping the smile on my face.

"What's mine is yours." He grinned, putting his jacket and stuff away before walking over to me and pulling me into a gentle kiss. Bitter hatred pierced through me, but I bit it back, kissing him lovingly.

"Good." I hummed in faux content, moving to sit on one of the chairs near the table.

"Did you have a good day at work?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes. He snickered, nodding.

"It was alright, but my day is definitely better seeing you here." He cooed. "I'm going to take a quick shower, then I'll be right back down here to tell you all about my day." He stated.

I nodded, watching him walk up the stairs and out of view before I went back to the counter in the kitchen, searching the drawers for something, anything.

If I could take him off guard, I could finally free myself of this endless nightmare and no one would have to pay the price for my naivety except the man who used it against me. Love? I never loved him. I was blinded, mentally ill. What I felt was nothing more than a lie I created to ease my mind and deal with the hand I'd been dealt.

It was my turn now to play the villain, to revel in the sick pleasure of watching the life fade from his eyes. I knew what would happen if I failed, I'd probably end up dead, or worse, stuck with Yoongi in some dank basement for the rest of my years for an endless cycle of breaking and fixing.

After minutes of failed searching, I came across another drawer, tucked away and without a knob as to keep it hidden like a part of the counter itself. I slid the drawer open, a silver gleam hitting the light. I reached down to grab the silver object, tilting it and observing it within my grasp. It was heavier than I had expected. A gun. I had a basic idea on how to use these and I hoped my subpar knowledge would be good enough. Checking the barrel of the gun, I realized it was full, but not cocked. A loaded gun, no power to be dangerous yet.

And just like that, I had the answer to my yearning question. How was I going to destroy Min Yoongi?

So, this is the ending segment. The next chapter will be an epilogue. Like I said, the ending will be split into three parts, each labeled by the type of ending that is entailed within the pages.

You are free to read as many as you like, and regardless of the outcome, remember that this is a fictional story and is in no way fact.

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