Chapter 10

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You already know what it is, Mature Content Ahead Ladies and Gents 😉

It's not like I'm using him to get over my feelings for Hoseok. I'm just taking advantage of a situation that's been presented to me, what's so wrong with that?

Yoongi nodded at my response, leaning down to kiss me feverishly, like his life depended on it. I couldn't deny that the way he wanted me lit a fire in my stomach, Yoongi loved me. He always had.

His hands reached down to play with the hem of my shirt, sliding it off my body and over my arms. He switched our positions so I was just sitting on top of him while he looked up at me. He sat me on his lap facing him, peppering kisses over my breasts and admiring them. My face turned red, the fire within me only beginning to burn brighter.

He undid my bra, his mouth reaching down to attach to my nipple. I groaned lightly. It wasn't like I was a virgin, but still, this boy's mouth was wet and warm and when he rolled my nipple with his tongue the way I moaned you would think I'd never had my nipple in a guy's mouth before. I have.

He pulled away from my breast, looking at me with a smirk. The look in his eyes made me shiver and excitement ran directly to my core. Yoongi's hand reached down, sliding under the top of my leggings to rub me through my underwear. Our mouths connected, dancing together as if it were a tango, only for the two of us.

Yoongi's lips left mine, trailing down my neck and sucking harshly to leave marks all over the porcelain surface. My breath was heavy and I knew Yoongi could feel my growing wetness through my panties.

Yoongi's fingers slid under the waistband of my underwear, rubbing my clitoris in tight circles. A moan escaped my lips and Yoongi. . . growled? Holy shit.

The noise alone only added to my experience as he slipped a finger inside of me, a small squishing sound audibly coming from down below. I blushed, embarrassed.

"Fuck... Minkyon. All of this is for me?" He groaned, nibbling my ear gently, sending a shiver down my spine.

In the blink of an eye we were both completely stripped of our clothes, exposed to the cold air of the room. He held my face in his hands, kissing my forehead before looking down at me. "I won't hold back now, okay?" He asked me, smiling. I nodded, feeling a bit nervous at the situation I may have gotten myself into.

Yoongi positioned himself at my entrance, pushing into me. His dick twitched inside of me as he plunged in all the way until he was covered to his shaft. My vagina adjusted around him, tightening as a quick response to the foreign intruder. "Fuck." He groaned, hands sliding below the back of my thighs to push my legs up further into the air. I followed his movements, trying my damndest to keep my legs in the position he set them in.

"Good girl." He praised, his hand reaching up to grab my hair and pull at it. My breath hitched in my throat, and I could just tell I was gonna be in for a wild ride.

I'm going to hell y'all 🥵

Yoongi yanked my hair, holding my head in place as he pounded into me, not even bothering to be gentle about it. He was acting on pure, animalistic instinct and it felt genuinely like I had died and gone to heaven.

"Holy shit Yoongi." I murmured, seeing a smirk paint his expression. Yoongi continued fucking into me, my hand instinctively reaching down to my clitoris to rub circles.

I bit my lip as Yoongi had me at his mercy, making me a squirming, lightly moaning mess.
Our skin was sweaty and sticky, our bodies began aching, but we didn't care. The only thing that mattered was this raw pleasure.

I looked at Yoongi. "I'm gonna cum." I whined. He nodded curtly in reply, pounding impossibly harder into me, hitting me in all the right places.

Unable to contain the feeling, I reached my climax. While I was riding out my short climax, Yoongi let my hair go, leaning down to bite my neck and leave a bigger mark than any of the other ones. My vision went white as another orgasm shook my body.

Yoongi continued for a few moments, spilling his fluids into me with a grunt. I panted, catching my breath as we sat there for a moment before he pulled out with an audible sloshing noise.

"Shit." He muttered, looking down at his bed to see a large wet spot. "Looks like we made a mess." He chuckled, leaning up to kiss me gently.

"That was amazing." I sighed, relieved.

"I wouldn't have wanted my first time to go any other way." Yoongi coughed.

"Eh? Your first time?" I asked him.

He nodded, smiling a gummy smile. "I wanted to save myself for you." He admitted, blushing.

"I was hoping you'd do the same, but I suppose I'll just have to make you forget all about Hoseok." He smirked.

I blushed furiously at that before a feeling of sadness hit me.

"So what exactly do we do about Hoseok?" I asked him.

"Let's just say, I might finish the job that asshole couldn't in America." He looked proud, confident, but all I could feel was dread.

He really was the same Yoongi from the beginning... and I just fucking slept with him.

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now