Chapter 12

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Within a flash, the knife that was in his pocket came out, his lithe body moving towards me to close the space between us, though the dust made the pan a little slippery and the rust made it incredibly uncomfortable to hold, I kept my grip tight, my instincts kicking into high gear.

He swung the knife outward, the pan swinging up to meet the sharp blade, a loud metallic clang sounding through the room.

Fear rushed through my veins like oil, drenching every inch of me in it's cold grasp.

"It doesn't make sense, Taehyung." My voice wavered. "I just don't get it. You think Jungkook will ever love you? What about Jimin? What if he decides to change his mind and take Jungkook for himself? You tell me it's my fault Hoseok could've died, but then you say you want him dead. You're contradicting yourself, Tae." I sputtered out.

Another swing of the blade, met with the back of the pan, harsher noises filling the air. "Does it really matter?" Taehyung asked me with a devilish grin. "I'll kill Jimin too if that's what it takes, Jungkook WILL love me if he knows what's good for him."

I shook my head, maneuvering my lithe body away from the direction of his knife as he jabbed it forward. I reached for his arm while the knife slid right past me, grabbing his wrist. I wasn't strong, not physically, but there was no way in hell I'd let this rambling, sick bastard hurt the people who he claims to care about, who I care about.

I took the pan in my other hand, my small fingers still wrapped around his wrist with the other. With as much force as I could manage, I closed my eyes and swung, a sick crunching nose echoing through the basement.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again, you sick psychopath." I growled out, as his hand dropped the knife, watching him reel from the pain. In his disorientation, I managed to put both my hands on the pan, swinging it with twice as much power, my grip strong despite the slippery handle.

First it was another thud sound, a short pained groan, and then silence as he fell to the floor, stunned.

I dropped the pan, my hands shaking like my life depended on it. I looked down at the forming puddle of blood, knowing full well I hadn't killed him, but still feeling nauseous at the thought that I had to watch him bleed.

Taehyung deserved it, that's all I needed to remind myself, and I would be alright again. I shook my head, trying to get out of my thoughts.

After a few quiet seconds, I walked over to Tae's unconscious body, fishing a pair of keys from his pocket. I kicked his body once for good measure, a subconscious groan rising from the male.

I walked away from the scene, heading up the steps. This was the last time I'd be trapped in a basement, a promise I'd make to myself. I slid the key into the door, turning the knob as it opened with a soft click.

I left the door open, walking to the front door and opening it as well. Without hesitation, I left, slamming the front door shut.

A familiar face came into my view, making his way over to the house I had just left. These crazy ass men would be the death of me, I just knew it.

"M-Minkyon?" The small boy stuttered out, shocked to see me. "W-where's Tae?" He asked me, visibly concerned and confused.

"Basement." I said simply, handing him the keys I had retrieved from Taehyung earlier. "The doors open, but I'm not a thief, so return those to Taehyung for me." I smirked. "When he wakes up, tell him that he and I aren't finished, and the next time we meet, I'll be the one wielding the power. I'm also letting Jungkook know about your sick plans. It seems that I've overestimated the lot of you, it makes sense why you're all friends. You're lunatics." I laughed bitterly. "Willing to kill your own friends for personal gain." I sighed lightly, before looking up at the male with a smirk again. "With that being said, I know Jungkook won't like hearing about your plan to woo him after the deliberate death of his lover. I swear, he's the most normal out of all you fuckers. Let him and Hoseok be happy. It isn't your decision to make who he ends up with. It's his. No matter how much torture, murder, and pain you put him through, he will never love you." I spat.

"I think all of your friends need to realize that, but until then, goodbye Jimin." I shrugged, walking off before he could get a word in.

I realized what I had to do now. If I was to ever separate myself from this group of friends, I'd have to get rid of the man who got me into this in the first place.

Min Yoongi.

Ladies and gentlemen, I know I've been gone for a while, so I apologize dearly for that, but I've come back with an amazing ending idea. However, since some of you folks want it to be a fluffy ending, I will have 2 or more endings for you to read. One being the fluffy ending, one being angsty, and one being downright deadly. I'm unsure if there is more to come, but I hope you enjoy my story so far and you stick around to finish it!

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