Ending 1

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This is the angst ending which will also be split into two parts, one with death, and one without. Please note that this is possibly very triggering for some people, so keep that in mind before proceeding. This is the angst scene involving death, the next will be without death.

There was no way around this, no matter how hard I tried to think of another solution. After everything this man had put me through, intentionally or not, didn't I have a right? Wasn't I justified in my actions? My thoughts? In fact, I had every right to kill Taehyung too. It'd just be self-defense, wouldn't it?  A part of me knew none of the things I was thinking were true. Deep down, I knew that I didn't have any place in these matters, I should've just left while I could've. But the larger part of me knew this had to be done, that I couldn't let these men get away with their injustices to the world. To me.

Yoongi's lengthy time in the shower gave me ample time to think. I knew exactly how I was going to do this, down to the very last detail, I just had to be convincing. As he descended the staircase, entering into the living area, I knew it was time. The last time anyone would ever see Min Yoongi alive. 

Yoongi Ending 1 

"Yoongi." I smiled, the gun tucked beside me, hidden from view. 

He smiled back at me, walking to me and kissing me on the forehead. 

After his gentle peck, he sat across from me in an armchair, while I sat seated on a recliner.

"Enjoy your shower?" I asked sweetly. "You seemed to be in there for a while." 

He nodded, chuckling lightly. I could see the joy in his eyes, he truly believed that small talk was all this was. 

"I didn't know you missed me so badly." He grinned.

I pouted in reply. "Of course I did, you've really done so much for me Yoongi. You're the only one who stayed, who believed in me." 

He shook his head, frowning lightly. 

"Minkyon, you're wonderful. Really, it was you who did so much for me. You've forgiven me for all the stupid shit I did, all the issues I had. You saw me for what I really was, despite everything." 

I nodded, pulling back the hammer of the gun subtly, hoping the nose wouldn't be too noticeable, replying to his musings. 

"That's good to hear, Yoongi. Truly." I sighed, gripping the handle of the gun and moving to point it towards him. A look of surprise appeared on his features, bringing a sense of sick joy to me. 

"Except, there's one small problem with what you're saying. I never forgave you, and I never will. You're the one who's put me in this situation, through everything that's happened to me since I met you!" I snapped. "You've put me through hell and I lived to tell the tale motherfucker."

I stood from the recliner, keeping the gun pointed in his direction. 

"Look, Minkyon." He blurted out. "You don't have to do this. I told you none of that was me, I  wasn't myself. I've told you that I'd do anything for you, haven't I? I really meant that and I still mean that." 

I laughed bitterly. 

"You're a fool, Yoongi." I shook my head, still laughing. "Do you know what you've done to me? You made me think I was in love, then you gave me another man to fall in love with. . . It felt like a blessing at first, like the world put me through hell just to give me a little slice of heaven. I was wrong. The world didn't do anything, it was all you, and I didn't get that little slice of heaven, I got nothing but misery and pain. You've taken EVERYTHING away from me, everything that made me who I am, who I was. You and your friends." 

Yoongi looked shocked, seeing a side of me that he had seen in glimpses fully for the first time.

"It would all be ok if it was just Hoseok, it really would. I could maybe forgive you for that, but it isn't just Hoseok. He isn't the only friend of yours that I've been involved with, romantically or otherwise. In fact, your lovely friend, Kim Taehyung, paid me a visit today. His greeting gift was so lovely you know, a syringe full of tranquilizer." I smirked, feeling adrenaline rush through my veins as I continued to speak. "He tried to kill me just to get his precious Jungkook back. He knew about your plan to kill Hoseok, but he couldn't have any liabilities, so he wanted to make you suffer too, so you could all be one big happy family again. Truly, the idea of a fucking madman." I scoffed. "I would've never been in these situations, you see, if it wasn't for you. You brought Hoseok to me, Hoseok brought his friends. . . and the story continues." I shrugged. "So with that being said Min. Yoongi." I said, my voice filled with venom. "Any last words?" 

Yoongi sighed.

"Just a few." He looked me into the eyes, a part of me feeling guilty, but pushing it away as soon as I felt it.

"I never meant to hurt you, and I'm sorry. Shin Minkyon, I adore you. Without me around, I hope you can finally be happy. I'm sorry it wasn't me who could give you that happiness, but most of all, I'm sorry that I've broken you." His voice was deep, his tone soft, sorrowful. 

"You can give me happiness. You're the only thing that can." I smiled, before pulling the trigger to the gun aimed at Yoongi. It all felt so surreal, the vibrations of the weapon, the bullet flying through the air, the blood that began to flow from the gunshot wound newly formed on his chest.

Then I felt it. My hands dropped the gun as it clattered to the floor and I looked at Yoongi once more, my heart dropping like the gun had, down down down into the pits of my stomach. Tears tugged at me and I couldn't fight them. What had I done?

"Yoongi. . ." I coughed out, moving to his dying form, sobbing like a baby. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized meekly, my voice light and solemn. 

Yoongi shook his head, clutching at his chest where the bullet had pierced. 

"Don't apologize." He gave me a small smile. "You can be happy now, Minkyon. You can move on." 

I shook my head rapidly. 

"No, Yoongi, no that's not what I want. I want you, please stay. Please, I'm so sorry." I pleaded.

He chuckled, weak. 

"I forgive you, I always have and I always will Minkyon. I love you, and now, you can love another without having to worry about anyone getting in the way." He put his hand on my cheek. 

"Yoongi, don't say that. I can get you help, I'll call the hospital. I take it all back, I want you here, I want you to stay. Please. Please stay Yoongi." I murmured in denial. 

"Minkyon." He coughed up blood, making sure to not get it on me. 

"I'll love you even in death. You can't help me now, but I'll always watch over you, so please go and be happy. I'm not worth your tears." 

I shook my head again, about to speak up when I was pulled into a kiss.

I held the kiss as long as possible, tears staining my cheek. My lungs aching as I grasped him with all of my power, just praying he wouldn't slip away. The kiss was loving, gentle. It lasted just a moment before I could feel his lips drift from mine. I looked up at him, his eyes rolling back into his head as the last of his life left him. 

"Yoongi, please." I muttered, kissing him again, my hands cupping his cheeks. 

"You can't be gone. No please, you can't be gone. . ." I sobbed, burrowing my head into his chest.

"Please." I held him tight. 

No matter how much I begged, he didn't come back. 

I was there for days, never getting up even for a moment.

Covered in dry blood and urine, I sat there.

And I never let go.

Until I died.

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