Phase.0 : The start of the beginning

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At first, he thought nothing of it. His heart racing and he felt cold, but they're in the run with the fire tribe's army hot on their trail. May be It's just the fear and the anxiety, right?

But it starting to get worse,

Not only the cold, he also feel so hot. Weird, how come someone could feel cold and hot at once? And his head feel funny too...


"Shi !!!"

Ka suo saw his brother stumbled and fall on the ground after they managed crossing the endless bridge and getting away from the pursuer. Hurriedly he came and gathered his brother in his arms.

"Shi, are you alright?" Once his brother on his lap, he patted shi's cheek lightly. Somehow shi look so disorientate and he could feel the heat that emanating from shi's body. 'Oh, no... ' ka suo started to get worried

"Ge... " shi mumbled. He really doesn't feel good. His head spinning and somehow he couldn't stand alright, his knees trembling.

"Ssh... ge is here"

Ka suo murmured softly. He know shi is not well, he is so hot! And too pale for his liking. 'What should I do? I can not force shi to run in this condition and certainly we can not stay in the open' he thought anxiously while absent-mindedly caressing his brother's back.

"Ge... sorry... "

Ka suo startled from his musing by shi weak mumbling. Sighing, he hug his brother comfortingly.

"Hush, it's alright. Nothing to be sorry about. Ge will make sure you get better. Now, why don't you climb on my back so we can go somewhere safe?" He said.

'Yes, we have no time for doing nothing. We have to find a place to hide and a healer' he keep on musing while helping his brother climbing on his back and start to walk somewhere. Well, somewhere that is not here, in the open. He grumbled silently.


After making sure there were no traces of their pursuer, ka suo started to searches for hiding places. But it is quite difficult for someone who doesn't know anything about mortal realm. He heard much from li luo, the guardian, but the reality is far too unimaginable.

He knew the moments he crossed the border, could feel it on his skin. but border is just a border, he needs somewhere safe for his sick brother and he couldn't find any traces of civilisation nearby... 'what to do... '

After walking and searching for long, they finally found a nook nearby on the side of the river. It is quite hidden with a shallow cave, definitely not fit for a sick child, but could make a do just for the night. They couldn't keep walking in the dark after all, too risky.

He sat shi on the ground and starting to make a comfortable space within. After he secured some flowers and wild berries from nearby bushes, he took shi inside and build a little fire just enough for light. He couldn't risk a bigger fire for fear to be found by the pursuer

"Ge, I'm c-cold... " shi complaining tremblingly, his little form shook, looking at his pale countenance is enough to make ka suo's heart ache. Ka suo took off his cloak and bundle his brother in it tightly. The two snuggle together through the cold night.

'Tomorrow, we will definitely find a village and a healer, better if we could also find a place to stay' ka suo thought before he lost in reverie.


Shi feels so miserable. His head spinning, hot and hurt everywhere. He keep sweating copiously, his back is already drenched and makes him uncomfortable.

But there's nothing he could do, he doesn't want to add more burden on his brother.

As if its not enough,

His stomach, spine, lowerback and hips bones started to hurts badly, he is in pain. Shi curls his body tightly and snuggle deeply into ka suo's cloak. Shi cursed his condition mentally and prays everything will be alright in the morning.


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