Phase.3 : consideration.

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Silence engulf the entire camps of the fire army's. Except for those guarding and patroling the perimeter, everyone is asleep, a quiet rest after unfruitful 'hunts' all day long.

Inside the princess' luxurious tent, Shi sleeping deeply. The first peaceful rest since he fallen ill. His breast rise and fall rhythmically, deep and calms.

Not far from his sleeping form, Yanda sit on her comfortable divan. grimacing and hissing occasionally, she rubs the bumps on her head. Every once a while she would glance to check on her prisoner.

thought she won't admit it she is quite worried and disturbed by the boy's condition. As far as she know, immortals (elves) do not get sick, since they're naturally born with stronger immune than mortals, hence come their immortality. The same goes for fairies and spirits.

The only reasons for an elf to fall sick usually have to do with spiritual problems and complication from physical injures including poisoning, yet she knows the little prince haven't got any physical injuries.

Slowly rising from her divan, yanda go and sit on shi's. She put her palm on the boy's body, right above his heart. Closing her eyes, she concentrate her spiritual energy and begin to give a thorough check up to assess the boy's condition carefully.




Ying kong shi is the youngest prince of ice kingdom, the kingdom currently in the middle of war against the fire kingdom, born between the ice king and the concubine. as a child born through a marriage of convenience, he were respected though is not spoiled either. He was treated carefully by others as if they were afraid he would bite them on the neck.

The only one who treated him casually and openly is his youngest elder half brother, ka suo. Even his father, the queen and half siblings all put their distance or outright won't have anything to do with him. Cold, just like the kingdom they were living in.

the 5th prince of the kingdom, ka suo, always hold soft spots for ying kong shi, His brother younger than him by 30years age difference. Once, He told shi that he was tired being the youngest, so naturally he will spoils shi rotten as gratitude for taking over that spot from him. Shi doesn't believes it but doesn't complaint either since he loves his brother too much to care about reasons.

He don't have friends (unless you can call your servant as friend) mostly he spent his days playing in the forest with or without his brother after study session with the royal tutors, as concubine do not eat together with the main royals, both mother and son always eat together in the concubine apartment.

Naturally ying kong shi grew to be an introvert, he is a quiet and reserve child. Polite toward others but doesn't speak much, His smile is rare commodity for those not close to him. Only infront of those he loves and trust do he openly laughing and speaking joyously. Outsider could never understood why concubine Lian calling her son 'paraquet' on occasion.

 Outsider could never understood why concubine Lian calling her son 'paraquet' on occasion

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