Phase.11 : questionable finding

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Suogang and his loyal aide, ping gai, has been walking along the riverbank for sometime. They walk leisurely in slow pace, glancing dan gazing there and here. If not for the devastation surrounding them, ones would think they're enjoying the view instead of observing the condition after a disaster.

The view is amazing, if it could be said so. As if a powerful thunder has struck the river and destroying all within reach. 

'Thunderstorm or it could be tsunami if it was on the seaside instead of river in the mountain wilderness' suogang mussed. 

The most surprising part is how the thunderstorm remnants and traces was left, if ones observe and look closely, ones would realize how its leaving a big crevice in circular like trails, just like an eye of the storm. Suogang and his aide heading there in curiousity, they wonder what will they find. If the fartest part is devastated enough, how the centre will look like? 

"My lord! Look!"

Ping gai call for shuogang's attention and pointing at something on the left side, on the opposite side of the riverbank from where they are walking. 

Suogang stopped and looking at the area ping gai pointing at. 'What?' Upon close attention, suogang could make out red cloth, other than that, 'chain mail?'

"Aren't that..  "

"Our soldier uniform ?"

Both can not be sure, so they go across the river and checking out what have taken their attention.

"He was our soldier. Alone? Or there any other? What were they are doing here??"

Suogang shocked upon finding daotian's corpse stuck amidst fallen trees and stones. Ping gai grimaced, from the body's condition he could deduced the dead cause was either struck or pierced by some fallen tree

"I don't see any sign of any other"

"Hm.... " 

While suogang taking a 'journey' in his own world, thinking back and forth. Ping gai decided to bury the body nearby, since the prince doesn't wish to ride back 'together' with the dead, as he put it 'nicely'. 

"Should we look farther?" Ping gai doesn't like the idea but he have to asking anyway, cautiously. Suogang chuckles and start walking without answering ping gai question. ping gai trailing behind him faithfully albeit reluctantly.

What suogang find at the centre of the storm is NOT what he had expected, 

Not only the environment condition is not as devastating as the further away, the place is practically 'clean' from any remnants. 'Probably all the remnants from this area has been swept away by the water or the wind?' But that's aside, he also find a child sleeping so comfortably in this god forsaken place. A CHILD!!! Not only shocking, it is also Unimaginable Absurd. So absurd it made Both men's jaws drops to the ground upon finding the sleeping child.

"Am I hallucinating?" Suogang whispers in amazement. He glance toward his dumbfounded aide and without warning tweaking the poor man's pointed ear hardly

"Auch!!! That's hurt!! What was that for?!?" 

"'Tis not hallucination then" said suogang, scratching his chin. Ping gai looks at him with disbelief. His liege could be unbelievably childish at  times. He sigh in resignation. He exclaimed then when suddenly suogang moves toward the child calmly 

"My lord!?!"

But before he could stopping his liege, suogang already crouching beside the sleeping child and carefully assessing and checking

Ping gai hurriedly came to his side.

"Is it alive?" He ask curiously 

"Obviously so" suogang answered curtly. Annoyed by the aide's stupid question.

"How curious.... it as if she never came upon a storm. Her clothes is only partially dirtied, nothing ripped or damaged. And she have no injury.... " suogang mussed aloud. 

"So, it is a she?" Ping gai couldn't help but ask. Really, the child wore a loose pants after all. How should one know whether it was a He or a She?

"Ping gai" 


"Do you ever seen any male this pretty?" 

Instead of answering his question, ping gai merely looked at him dumbfounded. Suogang's brow rose then, forcing him to answer with negative

"See?" Suogang looks so proud of himself then, compelling ping gai to rolling his eyes in absurdity.

"Come. Night will fall shortly, we should go while the light last"

"How about the child, sir?"

"How about stop asking obvious questions?"

Ping gai shut his mouth. 

Suogang stood with the child safe in his arms then. With ping gai following right after him, they walks towards where they left their horses and rides home before the night falls.

They rides in silence, contemplating all the things they encounters through the day. Though nothing came in their minds to answers the many question, nothing but mysteries and some pieces of puzzles.

Suogang sighing tiredly, today was eventful and exciting after all. He only have to waits for his cute little sister and having fun to his heart content afterwards. Suogang smirking in joy.

After some time riding in silence, ping gai couldn't help to satisfy his curiousity

"My lord?" He call out quietly 

"Mm.. "

" the child. Is she a mortal or spirits?" Ask ping gai curiously. Suogang glances at him before looking down to the sleeping child sat infront of him.

"Mortal. Human, obviously if you look closely you won't feel the need to ask"

"Certainly the child have black hairs and rounded ears, but mortal is not the only ones known to have those specific attribute, spirits and some immortal races known to have those attributes too."

Ping gai answered stubbornly. 


Suogang accepted ping gai reasoning reluctantly. And then he close his eyes, concentrating his spiritual energy to try to touch the child's spirit energy. After some time he opens his eyes and smiles in victory

Ping gai look at him questioningly 

"She is mortal." He answered ping gai's unspoken inquiry "I sense no magical energy within her, I couldn't touch her spirit though"

"I see" ping gai nodded in understanding. 'No magical energy means the child is just a normal mortal child. Yet, that doesn't solved a question why the child was found in that location, safe and sound.' He mussed mentally.

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