Phase.5 : preparation

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"Kasuo.... ! Kasuo!!"

Liluo frantically calling and chasing after her liege among the dense foliages in the forest.


He heard her, he truly did. But choose to ignores her and keep on walking. For all that he care, his brother may be in mortal dangers in this very moment with out any protection whatsoever. Shi was not in the condition in which he could retaliate the last time they still stay together after all. Kasuo couldn't supress the frantic worries gnawing in his heart. He is supposed to protect his brother, twas his duty and responsibility as an elder brother. Just as what his father told him not long after Ying kong shi born into the family.


He still remember clearly the day and the moment in which he met the child for the first time. 

He was 29th going on 30th years old. The sky is so blue without any clouds, scents of fresh winter frost mixed with the soft subtle cherry blossoms fragrance filling the air with the senses of peaceful tranquility. 

His father the king led him to the royal inner garden, there's his mother the queen sat under the lone cherry blossoms tree. 

" kasuo, my sweet child. Come, I want you to meet your new brother" the queen holds out her hand, beckoning her child gently. 

Kasuo hurriedly left his father's side and come toward his mother, he saw then, the bundle safely tucked inside her arms. 

The queen saw what catched his attention and smiling understandingly. She pulled her son closer and show him the baby in her arms. Kasuo gasp. There's, tucked warmly inside the soft silks cloth is a tiny creature. 'So small....'

" three days ago Lianji gave birth to him. His name is Ying kong shi ". The king said from behind kasuo. 

" Ying kong shi .... " kasuo murmured.

He squeeze kasuo's shoulder gently then and stood there beside his son. 

Kasuo look up to his father before glancing toward his mother, asking for permision. he wanted to touch the baby, the queen smiles and nods briefly. Cautiously kasuo touch the baby, gently as if the tiny little thing would crumble anytime. First he touch the silvery white tuft on the head then he move his finger to touch the pinkish cheek 'it looks so soft like a virgin snows.... and feels like ones too'.

Suddenly the baby giggles, adorably so. Kasuo couldn't help but smiling and keeps on poking the baby's cheeks, nose and chin gently, resulting in more giggles and cooing. 

His royal parents exchange glances and smiling understandingly. 

" Kasuo" gently the queen calling for his attention

" Yes, mother" 

" Son, you are now a big brother. This child may have been birthed by Lianji, but he is still Your father's son. Do you understood what I mean ?" 

Kasuo nodded. The queen smiled and with a far away look in her eyes, said

" from today onwards this child will be alone. He must too, though he won't know why "

" Mother? " kasuo look up to his mother questioningly, but no answer comes from the queen. She just sit on the bench silently infront of him, the baby tucked safely in her arms comfortably.

Behind him, the king sighs audibly. He squeeze kasuo's small shoulder before he came forward and took kasuo's hands in his. Seeing the seriousness in the king countenance and expression, kasuo stood in focus.

" kasuo, my good son. Before you can start your duty and responsibility as a prince of this kingdom, I want you to take on a responsibility upon your baby brother's well being. Think of this as your first duty, if not as a prince then do this as a brother ".

Thus his father, the king of the kingdom decreed.

 Kasuo blinks, and then avert his sight up upon the bluest clear sky, and then he saw and watch the cherry blossoms petals falling and dancing leisurely along the soft gentle breeze, one petal fall on his baby brother's silver tuft. 

'Brother, My little brother. So tiny, so soft, so sweet and so adorable....' just the thought of having this baby by his side and be the one to protect him is enough to make kasuo puff with pride.

So he looks back up to his father's questioning gaze, and smiling widely

" Yes, father."


Thinking back, twas the first and the last time his mother acts and treated Ying kong shi openly with so much love and care. 

After that memorable moment, his parents put their distance from the youngest. But kasuo know better. They may act cold and uninterested, but behind back they always cares. 

His mother always make sure the tutors and the servants of the phantom sky palace to reports to her at the end of the day about ying kong shi's progress and inquiring about the child's well being. She always make sure the child would want nothing in his live.

Once awhile kasuo found his father the king watching shi quietly from afar, as if drinking on the sight of his youngest and noting any changes in said child's growth and expression.

It's puzzled how they're cares yet adamant in putting walls between themselves and Ying kong shi. But since long ago kasuo choose to never questioning their actions. The king always do what must to be done after all.



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