Phase.9 : disruption.

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Suogang and his reinforcement troop were on their way to the princess yanda's location when the disruption begun,

The path is clear and without any obstacle, thus they could go in steady pace with controlled speed.

Out of the blue, flocks of birds flew above their heads fast heading in all directions. Followed by deers, rabbits, games, snakes, all manner of  wildlifes from the surrounding forest running through the wooded area past the army tracks, unheedless of the soldier's presences.

As if they were escaping something more frightening than the presence of armed soldiers. In any other day, it could be seen as amazing occurrence but for the panic and terror those creatures senses, even the hardy soldiers begin to feel unease.

There was a scream.... And suddenly the winds picked up. 

And now even the trained troop's horses starts to acting up, whining and stomping, biting the reins, trying to escape the area and fighting off the rider's restraint. Here and there soldiers fallen off from their mounds in a sudden chaos.

And impossible thing occurs then, from somewhere not so far nor not so close from their location, the sounds of roaring water and crashing waves could be heard along with the sounds of something cracking and breaking.... 

It was unimaginable since they were inland far away from any beach nor seas,  yet it felt as if they were bracing a seastorm nearby

Involuntary Suogang could feel the hairs on his nape stoods and his senses prickled. All his troop engulfed in uneasiness and nervousness.... 

And then just as abrupt as it was all began, everything fallen in an eerie silence.

Somehow, suogang feels as if he should know what had occurred. Something he should know of, something familiar.... 

The voice.... the sound.... wind.... 

Sea water? Sea.... waves. 

Voice, song....  siren.


Something clicked in his mind then, But he shake it off in incredulity. It's all just too.... 

As if a mermaid would be here out of all places, in a mortal realm no less, out of nowhere, let alone a mermaid's siren.... impossible, it's just beyond any possibility considering how pompous those female fishes were.

He chuckle mentally,

After calming down their nerves, he gathered the troop and make ready to assumes their journey onward. 

Something occurred in his mind then,

"Feng li!" 

Suogang call forward his commander sharply. The man came to his side and salute.

"My lord" 

"Lead the troop in my place and go ahead! Make haste. I entrust the princess's rescue to your best judgement"

"Ha!" The commander take over the command without any delay after give a quick salute to his royal liege. 

"Ping gai!! Come with me!!" 

After the troop start to depart, suogang call aside his loyal aide and the two rode their mounds toward the direction in which the source of the disturbance lay, much to the poor aide dismay.


The battle still raging on both sides, though no longer as fierce as it's began. 

Both sides is fighting zealously, unwilling to admit defeat even if the prizes in the stakes already taken or destroyed in the process. Mostly they're fighting for misplaced pride right now.

The leader of the bandits refused to abandon the arena to some brazen woman, 

Whilst princess yanda would never admit defeat in any fighting, especially not against some unruly smelly mortals.

Although both sides already weary and lost many of their warriors. No one announce to withdraw. clashing and slashing keep on resounding among the fighters along the cries and yells here and there. 

Not far from the battle arena, hidden among thick foliages, kasuo and liluo observing the situation.

They came upon the area some time ago and keep on observing from the hiding spot while looking for what was their after assessing the whole area.  Both the guardian and Kasuo's eyes darting around, searching for ying kong shi's whereabouts. 

They stay vigilant though. Making sure nothing escape their observation. 

Without any warning whatsoever, in a heartbeat everything changed in clarity.

 A sudden chaos break out,

Flocks of birds flew past above their heads, animals darting out from the bushes and the surrounding wooded area in fury desperation. running and escaping whatever it is terrified them so. 

The disturbance is so palpable, breaking off the battle in the process. For the terrified animals running past and darting through the soldiers and fighters without caring of their presences, many were crashing and stumbling against each other. shocking and shaking the nerves of both combatants in sudden panics attacks.

Even kasuo and liluo forced to jumping out from their concealment by the sudden occurrence.

Chaos ensuing amidst the disturbances.

Those higher-up personnel of the fire army trying to calm down the situation in failed attempt. While the bandits withdrawing and escaping the battle area in hasty retreat, for whatever it is terrorize the forest creatures made them terrified too, mortals do fear for the unknown after all.

Screams, yells, crashing and tumbling ensuing. Until suddenly it was all over, in a blink nothing was left in their wake. 

What's left is just the remnants of dusty battle field along with it's stunned soldiers.

Yanda stood there, her battle weary guards and soldiers scattered here and there in utter silence.

No one understood nor care to explain what had occured, it's all happen too fast,

But at least, the battle is all over. Along with the unlooked-for disturbance that's left many with unanswered questions.


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