Phase.14 : shocking revelation

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After the door closed and clicked, Shi shook off his befuddle mind and back to the task at hand. Examining the clothes he came to notice now, twas a female clothes! He starting to questions his predicament or rather the fire tribe' sanity. 

However he cannot make any scenes. Whether tis is a joke or even deceit, he cannot give those people reasons to kill him. At least Not until he know about his Ge whereabouts. 'Stay low, I must keep low. For now' Shi told himself shakily. The Idea of staying low for someone else amusement doesn't sit well with him.

Quickly he undressing and putting on the dress, not without difficulty. The clothes so weird! It's design is so foreign. After some time struggling, He lost it and frustratingly threw the accursed dress to the ground soundly. He wanted to scream.. 

That's when he remember his other predicament, the urgent problem he currently faced. He lost his voice, he can not talk. What had happened? Did his ailments that has made him lose his ability to speak and rendering him mute?? The thought of spending his immortal life in disability to speak makes him so down and distressed. He thinks of his mother, his brother..  

'Ge, what must I do?' Morosely Shi wiping off his tear and picking up the clothes. He was about to put it on his person, or rather checking on where to begin, when suddenly the door opened with a loud clack. Then there was a gasp. 

Startled, shi spun around to look what or who it was. He regrets it after though. 

Standing right in front of the door were Yanda, behind her with his back facing them is Suogang. Surprise and shock plastering on Yanda face, 

"Ying kong shi?!?"

She exclaimed in disbelief. Shi frozzed. 'Oh,no.' His flustering mind start to panic. 

"What ying kong shi?" Ask suogang, he looks at his sister and take a glance toward Shi before quickly averting his gaze away. "You! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" Suogang pointing his finger harshly at Shi who simply stares at them blankly.

Suogang reaction and action stunned yanda. Then with deliberate moves she start to examines the kid standing not far from her, she stares the kid's naked form up and down, Lastly she noticing the kid's glorious long black hair. the contrast difference between the two kids.

"A girl?" Finally She asked, in disbelief and confusion. 

"Are you deaf? I told you so already." Came suogang annoyed answer. 

"I heard you. But..  " yanda looks unsure herself. "She looks .... similar, just like Ying kong shi. My lost prisoner." 

She watch the kid begin to fumbling and struggling with the clothes and thought twas cute. She can see the kid having difficulty, so she approaches and helping her putting the clothes on while secretly trying to touch the kid's spirit, she afterall has been in contact with ying kong shi's spirit once before. Precaution wouldn't be hurt. Once finished she addressing suogang to faces them, which he did after making sure the kid was clothed with a swift peek.

"Do you still think this kid here is Ying kong shi?" He ask then. Yanda shook her head negatively. 

"Of course not" suogang snorts. "I am not that ignorant. Look at her, she was obviously a girl. That's, plus the fact there was nothing dangling between her legs" he said confidently in finality. 

A loud gasp resounding,  Yanda couldn't believe what she heard. by her side, Shi turned a stark white then turned red with his mouth hanging open in utter shock.

"What??" Yanda's eyes narrowing dangerously towards her brother. Suogang watching her uncomprehendingly 

"Suogang...." she started

"What?.... " then it's dawned on him the reason for his sister's reaction. "Oh, nononono! Twas not like I was purposely gawking her or anything!!" 

He quickly defending himself, he knew yanda explosive nature well to know where's and when to back off  "Not even a peek!"

Yanda marching on her brother menacingly "then how do you know there was .... nothing " she choked and swallowing hard the words. She was rather flustered.

"Twas accidental! Remember, we found her in bad shape and all.... " 



While both fire sibling squabbling, ying kong shi fell down on his knees. He sat staring off the scenes unfolding before his eyes with unreadable blank expressions.

He was in massive shocks by the absurd revelation tumbling out from suogang's mouth.

「.....nothing dangling between her legs.」

'What does that's meant?' Shi thought uncomprehendingly. 'Is there supposed to be something?' 

As far as he could remember, he has been like this. Has been born this way. He never thought anything or something different, how should he knows anyway? 

Did twas the reason why his father have not bestowed title upon his name? Is that the reason why he has always been treated differently? Because he was different?

If he is truly a girl, why then he has always been treated as a boy? True, since he have not been titled as prince, everyone simply calling him 'Ying Kong Shi' even though he is their king's son. 

Thinking back, everything fell into places. anything starting to making senses. 

His father's and elder mother's attitudes towards him, distant and cold just like anyone else yet not uncaring. His mother's clingy and smothering attention. Did his siblings know? Mayhaps. Who else? Somehow he feel very disappointed and bitter. 

All this time he has been living a lie..... 


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