Phase.7 : caution.

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They could heard the sounds of metal against metal even from the distance. From the sounds of it, they knew it wouldn't be a simple small skirmish.

Kasuo and liluo hurriedly moves towards the direction of the battle following the clashing metals sounds.

The closer they got to the area, the more cautious they be. Who knows what will they find after all, it could be allies or even enemies.

creeping closers cautiously, they found remnants of what to be seen as arrows scattered about along with lances, swords and even dead horses, also what's seems to be broken shields and carriages wreck.

the moment they found the bodies of the engaged parties, kasuo starts to feel panic bubbling up in his mind. The fire kingdom's army against what he deduced as unruly mortals, and upon closer examination he knew they're the fire princess's army!

"Hey!! Kasuo?!?"

Liluo startled by the sudden change in kasuo' behaviour. He frantically checking the perimeter with so much zeal. Not that liluo doesn't understood. But, there's no points in looking for someone by exposing themself in dangers, especially since they couldn't be sure that the one they're looking for is certainly to be here.

So She grabbed the frantic prince's arm forcefully and whispered harshly,

"Calm down! Do you wants us to be found?!? There may be enemy nearby!"

Kasuo understood, truly understood where's liluo reasoning comes from. But he couldn't quell the frantic panic squeezing his heart. What if Shi getting tangled up in the battle? He could be hurt and frightened. His brother is ill. Even if he is in perfect health, he have no knowledge in mortal combat yet, even his magic is less adequate for any combat for that all is matter.

Kasuo pull his arm free from liluo's hold harshly before Agitatedly pulling his own hairs and let out a frustrate sigh heavily upward toward the cold, unfeeling sky.

Liluo feels him. She may be an orphan but that doesn't mean she couldn't understand the value of family or the worries someone feels toward each other. She have bunches of comrades she thought of as brothers and sisters after all.

But now is not the place nor the time to be melancholy, she could still heard the battle sounds raging on ahead.


She beckon kasuo to move onward and begun to assessing the situation more carefully and cautiously...


"My lord!"

Suogang looks up from his uncomfortable seat to give an impatient attention to his breathless soldier. tilting his head, he gave permission for the soldier to continue,

"We sighted the princess entourage southeast, they were attacked and engaged with the local bandits and doesn't seen to be in good condition"

Suogang straighten up and seems in deep thinking then. Tapping his chin absent-mindedly, he call upon his trusted aide.

"Ping gai"

"Yes, My lord?" .The guard named ping gai comes forward.

"Prepare for departure. It's been awhile, it's time to annoys my cute little sister. Don't you think so?"

He glances up to the aide and smirked.

"H.haa.... " ping gai unsure how to answer. He just couldn't understand his royal lieges at all, more so with the eldest prince and the only princess of their kingdom.

Suogang's eyebrow crept up then,

"What are you waiting for? Make haste. I don't wish to be late to join the fun"

He ordered sharply.

"Yes, my lord!" Ping gai salutes his liege and departed from the prince's sight with too much haste. 


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