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15:  Frenzy

No, no, no.  This couldn't be happening.

Ethan rushed to another room.  All the battery-powered alarms were ringing.

It was more than just a power-cut.  A power-cut in the House of Technology was dangerous.  All the half-finished projects that relied on electricity to stop breaking were at danger of exploding.  It was like the House of Technology was a dying person on a life machine.  Cut out the electricity, therefore the life machine...

Ethan ran his fingers across the table until he found it.  A square centimetre in size, his micro-projector was truly, well, microscopic.  It was magnetic and included a camouflage feature, so could be left in a room unobserved for weeks.  Then, when Ethan pressed a button on a remote, wherever it was in the world, the cube would project a four-dimensional video of Ethan's choice.

So, you could be on a plane to Tokyo, and suddenly a random video off YouTube would be all around you, supposedly coming from nowhere.

He had been really excited about his latest gadget.

Now he had to destroy it to stop it from releasing chemicals that would kill his friends.

Ethan enclosed it in his palm, and concentrated.  He knew it was disabled.  Machines that were broken beyond his repair always felt dead to him.  Lifeless cold.

Olivia had once told him that all machines felt lifeless.  They were lifeless, technically.  Not like the warm glow an oak tree gave off.

He had retorted back that trees always felt cold to him, and why did she think that she knew if machines were alive or not, because if Technology is derived from Space and Time which is all science, and Technology was all science, then surely he should know about science and know what was true and what was lies.

Hey, don't judge.  He had only been eleven,

He sprinted back the way he had originally come and disabled all his robots, one by one.

He hated disabling them.  It was like murder.

But he was a murderer now.  He was murdering all his machines.


Sasha and Alex sat in the House of Fire, watching the time tick by on her watch.

She had lit a great beacon in the centre, so all that left was to pass the time.

{ELEMENTISTS OF WILLOW FOREST BOOK III} The Bane of TechnologyWhere stories live. Discover now