Help Would Be Appreciated

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17:  Help Would Be Appreciated

Ash stood up and looked around.  She was in the middle of nowhere.  Literally.  Barren, cracked ground surrounded them in every direction.  A lone tree was the only thing to break the monotony, but it looked as dead as possible.  The land was parched.  Not a single living plant grew.  In the distance, the mountains looked slightly greener, but for all they knew it could be a trick of the light.  The mountains looked several days' walking, too.

It was NOT FUNNY that her geography teacher had been nattering on about earthquakes the day they were supposed to be doing deserts.

She looked around at her friends.  Her twin, Eve, was to her right.  Karl and Juan were to the left.  Behind them, Jack, Max and Danny were talking to David.  The wires had gone.  Iona and Sianna were just staring.  Bethany was next to Tabitha.


The banister had somehow come here with her, and was still on top of her.

"Let's see if we can get it off."  Max suggested.

They all pulled, and eventually managed to release Tabitha's legs.

The moment they had done so, the shard of the banister disappeared.


"Can you stand?"  Bethany asked.

She and Sianna stood either side of Tabitha, supporting her from under the arms; they managed to pull her up.

Instantly, Tabitha collapsed again.

Ash had an idea.  She ran over to the dead tree, and snapped two equal sized branches off.  "Crutches help?"

Somehow, with the help of the two crutches, Sianna on her left, Bethany her right and Iona from behind, they managed to get Tabitha walking.

With that sorted, they only had, like, ninety nine percent of their other problems to deal with.

"Sis, where the heck are we?"  Eve asked.

"I've no idea."  Ash replied.

"How the heck did we get here?"  Jack questioned.

"I've no idea."  She repeated.


"So, just to summarise."  Olivia slammed her hands down on the table and accidently covered it with moss.  "Felix and co. cut out our power.  While everyone was distracted, they reprogramed the TARDIS, so Ash, Eve, Bethany, Jack, Tabitha, Karl, Max, Iona, Juan, David, Sianna and Danny are all trapped inside some virtual, six-dimensional video game thing.  Ethan installed the whole ability for that to make a virtual thing for our latest war game, but Felix has hacked it so they could easily be anywhere but a rainforest, because they are the ones who programmed the rainforest, so would know instantly what had happened.  The chances are they have no idea what's going on, and Felix is currently manipulating the situation, which means they're all in for really, really bad time."

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