May The Odds Be EEEEEEver In Your Favour

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9:  May The Odds Be EEEEEEver In Your Favour

Alicia kept the wind shaking the tree.  She knew what fruit it was: star fruit.  All round edible, tasty, used in medicines and herbal remedies fruit.

As seen on the app Fruit Ninja, where it is the currency.

She needed some.

The tree was shaking violently now.  Backwards, forwards.  Backwards, forwards.  Backwards forwards backwards forwards backwards forwards...

Something green fell out of the tree.  Star fruit!  Wait, no.  It was too long, and elongated, and...


Alicia jumped out of the way, the moment the green mamba hit the ground.

"Game over."  It hissed.

"Woah woah woah, no!  You might not have killed me, I could have jump out of the way, or, or..."  Alicia started blabbering in her native language, Portuguese.

"Either you push button, or I push button."  The snake smiled menacingly.

Alicia didn't like the way it was slithering towards her.  She had always hated snakes.  The thought of a deadly mamba climbing up her leg, curling around her waist, sliding down her wrist; it set her whimpering.

"No, no, no.  I will push the button.  I will push the button, please, please, go away, go away..."

"I must see you do it."

Alicia gulped as she hit the red circle around her wrist, and prayed that Ethan would get there quick.


Sasha woke up to blinding lights.  She peeked out of the igloo, and saw a huge projection over the 'arena'.  The image was a selfie of Alicia, Teresa and Rosemary all sticking their tongues out at the camera.

Oh, come on.  Surely Ethan could come up with a better photo than that.

"Today," Effie/Ethan squeaked.  "Alicia Cinzento was the first person to crash out of the seventy-seventh Hunger Games.  She hit the button when- I mean, she died when bitten by a green mamba snake."  Ethan/Effie paused to clear his throat.  "Alicia Cinzento of District," he stopped.  In the background, you could hear him whisper "What district?"  And Alicia answer, "Six."

"Alicia Cinzento of District Six,"  Ethan continued.  "You will always be remembered.  That is, until someone else dies and I have to make another speech like this."  Then he added in his normal voice, "Look, if you want a speech like this, just don't die at the same time as anyone else, or I'll have to cut it down.  Anyway, the rest of you tributes, keep going, smile at the cameras and may the odds be EEEEEEver in your favour!"

{ELEMENTISTS OF WILLOW FOREST BOOK III} The Bane of TechnologyWhere stories live. Discover now