Chapter 9: New Life

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

The four boys where looking at the files and then looked at me with a worried face. Oh no! did they not want to adopt me? Was my information too much for them?

Cameron's P.O.V

Mrs. Kelly handed us the files and we looked through them, we couldn't find Mackenzie's, was she not up for adoption? i looked at her and looked back at Mrs. Kelly "Is Mackenzie not up for adoption?" I asked Mrs. Kelly "Her?! Why would you want her? She's useless and all she does is break the rules!" Mrs. Kelly said looking at Mackenzie, annoyed. I looked at Mackenzie, tears where coming out of her eyes, how could someone say that about a poor inncoent little girl? I was mad, not just mad, i was pissed. "Were taking her!" i yelled at Mrs. Kelly.. She nodded, she was scared of me.. I went up to Mackenzie, "Go get packed sweetie your going home." i smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

The tall guy Cameron i think? looked at me because my folder wasn't in the stack Mrs. Kelly gave him. He asked if i was up for adoption, "Her?! Why would you want her? She's useless and all she does is break the rules!" she said, it weally broke my heart. I started to cry. I could tell all the boys where really mad, "Were taking her!" The tall guy said, he came up to me "Go get packed sweetie your going home" he said as he kissed my head.



Home? those words were stuck in my head. I haven't had a home ever since mommy and daddy left. I'm finally getting adopted! i'm gonna have a daddy! not like my daddy but i hope he trwies to be like my daddy. I went upstairs and packed my 2 shirts, 1 pair of jeans, socks, and my teddy, the teddy my daddy gave me before he died. Today was the day i leave this place and start a new life! i can't wait!

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