Chapter 14: What's wrong?

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Nash's P.O.V

We went into Cams room and couldn't see him, we got a closer look and we could hear sniffling.. I turned to go look by Cams bed and i saw Cameron sitting in the corner crying... What happened?

Carter's P.O.V

We saw Cameron sitting on the floor crying.. Was he okay? Did something happen? I know we didn't know this but we were gonna have to figure it out eventually today..

Mackenzie's P.O.V

I looked up at Nash, Carter, and Matt and they just looked at me kind of comfused and worried.. I walked over to Cameron and sat with him on the floor, he had his face covered with his hands.. I grabbed his hands and moved them out of the way.. He looked at me and i looked at him, his eyes and face were so red and puffy, i didn't like when people cried it made me sad.. "What's wrong?" I asked him.. "Nothing sweetie." He said.. I know something was going on with him and I was going to have to find out wether he wanted to tell me or not..

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