It Happened. Again.

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it happened again.
everything fell again.
i feel dead again.
i'm stuck in my head again.
i'm tired of it.
i'm tired of feeling how i feel.
i'm tired of all of it.
i don't mean the people leaving.
i just mean feeling responsible for things i'm not responsible for, or feeling disconnected from everything when nothing has happened to even make me upset.
my bubble? it doesn't work anymore. i can't use it at school and i can't use it at work. i can't use it at a party and i can't use it at family gatherings.
my safe space? i don't really have one anymore.
my mind is too much of a storm to let me have anywhere to settle. the demons love having depressing house parties in my brain and sometimes they click off the button that makes me feel at least slightly okay during my days.
i have my brain and my thoughts that are better left to myself. i'm still fighting myself and sometimes it feels like i'm losing.

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