Chapter 2

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She looked at me and recognition sparked in her eyes. I looked back at my cousin as she passed, locking the door.

“The forecast said it was going to rain heavily but nothing like this”

“You need to see the roads. It's crazy" he said

"I can only imagine." I replied. He turned to us.

“Maryam meet my cousin Najma, Najma this is my friend Maryam” he introduced. She smiled and I replied with a stiff smile.

“Rose!!!” I called but there was no answer, I rolled my eyes and shouted her name again. She came running.


“Could you fix my guest room?” she nodded and headed upstairs.

“Can I offer you guys anything? Tea? Water?” I asked. They both shook their heads.

“Thanks, I just want to head to bed.” He said.

“Okay. Check the wardrobe, you left some of your clothes there.” He smiled and walked down the hall that led to the guest room leaving me alone with her.
I noticed she was looking around, assessing the house. I couldn’t help the smirk that crawled onto my face.

Yes bitch… my family’s loaded

"Ma’am the room is ready" Rose informed. I thanked her and watched as she made her way back to her room.
I turned to Maryam who had turned her gaze to me.

“This way” I said making my way to the stairs; I could hear her footsteps as she followed. I opened the door to my suite because it was more of a suite than a room. We walked into my mini lounge area before I opened a door to a room.

“You can stay here. There should be a toothbrush in the bathroom” I said pointing to the other door.

“I’ll be right back.”
I left the room and padded down the hall to my bed area; I opened one of my drawers and pulled out a new nightgown, a Hajj present from my aunt before returning to the room. She had removed her turban and was looking in the bathroom. I cleared my throat and she turned to me.

“Here you go. If you need anything I’m down the hall.”

“Thanks” she replied as I closed the door behind me, switching off the lights before walking back to my bed. I slipped in and smirked…

What are the odds? Maryam Atiku is in my house. This should be fun.


Hello Everyone!!!!

I know most of you are wondering what's going on between Maryam and Najma?

Don't worry... All will be revealed 😁😁


Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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