Chapter 21

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“Wow... and I thought my holiday is eventful.” Samira said.

“Tell me about it” I replied adjusting the laptop screen. I was on a video call with a friend from school. I had decided I needed a new opinion on the drama that was my life.

“And now mama wants us to go over to baba's place.”

“Uhm... Najma, don’t you think that’s like running away. I mean I feel like you should actually face the problem once and for all.”

“I know... I’m just so very tired of everything.” I groaned.

“Don't worry, everything will be okay.”

“Thanks Sams. I should let mama know of my decision.”

“Yeah, anyway sha keep me updated on what is happening on Keeping up with Najma Barde.”

I laughed before she hung up. I closed the laptop and went downstairs looking for mama. She was answering a call when I entered the living room. I sat near her, my legs folded under me.

“Alright. Good bye” she said ending the call. She turned to me and smiled.

“Finally decided to come out of your room?” I sighed.

“Yeah... mama, about the trip, you should go on without me. I have issues I need to sort out” I explained, she frowned studying me before nodding.

“Very well, if that’s what you want.” She agreed. I smiled and she smiled back. I leaned back and we spent the rest of the day watching TV.


The days to mama's trip drew closer. I rarely left the house and with my phone off, I had nobody to talk to which I was not bothered about.

It was a Saturday and mama was travelling the next day. She had sent me on an errand and I was making my way into the house.

I could hear voices from the living room. I entered and saw Anty Rabi seated with my mum.

“Good evening Anty” I greeted her.

“Good evening Najma. Look at how good you look; this holiday is doing wonders to you.” She complimented. I smiled and handed mama the package.

“I hope you have packed your bag?” Aunt Rabi asked me.

“Oh, no. I am not accompanying mama" I said.

“Oh God. I knew I was forgetting something. Thank you so much Rabi. Najma you are going over to Aunt Rabi's place till I come back.”


No way

Living under the same roof as Khalifa?!!!
God no!!!!

“B...but I’ll be okay here alone or I can stay with Sulaiman” I argued.

“No buts, it’s already settled now go pack a box.” Mama ordered.

I sighed and left them, going up to my room to start packing.

50 minutes later I was all packed and my box was inside the trunk of Aunt Rabi's car. I hugged mama one last time, tempted to change my mind and follow her to France.

“Good bye. Safe trip” I murmured. She smiled at me and I got into the car with Aunt Rabi.

“Don’t worry; you won’t notice she's even gone. Khalifa is around to keep you preoccupied.” She assured patting my hand.

I forced a smile.

If only you knew.


Dun Dun Dunnn!!!!

Hello everyone!!!

So Najma is going to Aunt Rabi's house.... what do you guys think Khalifa's reaction will be?

It seems like everything is against Najma.

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