Chapter 26

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“I’m so glad you’re okay.” I sobbed hugging him.

“Yeah, me too” he replied as I pulled away to stare at him. He pushed the veil away from my face smiling at me.

“Don’t cry” he whispered.

“I can’t help it” I replied.

“Glad to have you in the land of the living” Khalifa said.

“Thanks” he replied.

“I’ll call Farida” he said and walked out.

“You guys are finally together?” he asked as I sat down shrugging.

“Yeah, I guess so. I kind of had a breakdown after seeing you in that state. He was able to calm me down then we had a talk about everything that happened” I explained.

“That’s nice. I won’t want what is happening to me to happen to either you or Khalifa” he whispered looking away, I held his hand.

“It’ll be okay, Allah has a better plan for you” He sighed smiling at me.

“Thank you”

“It’s nothing” I replied.

“I should go get the doctor” with that I opened the door and left for the doctor’s station. I found the doctor and approached him.

“Uhm… hello, my cousin Abubakar Abdullahi is awake” I said.

“Okay, thank you. I’ll be right there”

I nodded and made my way back to Abba’s room. Suls, Farida and the rest were back in the room with the doctor.

I sat on the sofa near Farida as the doctor asked Abba questions. The door opened and Khalifa walked in, Ummaymah was already on him, I rolled my eyes at her actions.

“Well, he’s going to be okay. We’ll keep him for a day or two just to monitor him. As a doctor, I feel it is my duty to involve his parents on this. It’s a very serious case.” He said after Abba had gone back to sleep.

“His parents are late” I answered.

“A guardian then?”

Farida and I looked at eachother, we both knew if word got out about his overdose, it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Could we please talk outside?” Farida asked. The doctor nodded and I watched them leave.

I sighed hoping she would be able to convince the doctor to drop the matter.

She came back minutes later, I looked at her and she smiled. I let out a sigh of relief. We decided to head to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

“So, what's going on with you and Khalifa?”

“Well, we talked about everything and we are cool now.”

"Thank God. We were all getting tired of your cat and mouse games" she said rolling her eyes.

I laughed agreeing with her on that. After we had eaten we went back to Abba’s room. He had woken up, talking with Suls and Khalifa.

I glanced over at Ummaymah and Maryam who were giggling and whispering rather loudly, I approached the bed.

“Suls, can you take them home, their giggles are giving me a headache” he asked. Suls groaned

“Do I have to? Why can’t Khalifa take them home?”

“I would rather not” he muttered. I rolled my eyes at both of them.

“Uhm, Abba. I need to run some errands for mama. I’ll come back later.” He smiled nodding.

“Take care”

“Do you need anything?” I asked.

“I would kill for a croissant right now” he replied. I grinned

“Noted. Suls, can you drop them off and give me a lift?”

He was about to stand when Khalifa beat him to it.

“Suls, didn’t you say you had something to do?” Suls frowned

“No, I’m pretty fr… OW!!! Abba what th… oh yeah, that thing. Yeah, sorry Najma, I have something to do. Khalifa can take you.” He stuttered.

“Riiiight” I drawled staring at the three of them.

“Let’s go then” Khalifa said. Ummaymah and Maryam followed us as we left the hospital building. It had stopped raining and the sun was peering over the horizon.

We approached his car and Ummaymah beat me to the front passenger’s seat, giving me a smirk.



I groaned at Ummaymah non stop chatter, Khalifa looked like he was about to lean over and strangle her.

We dropped them off at the hotel Ummaymah was staying and I got into the front seat.

“Khali…” he cut her off, literally stepping on the gas and leaving them in a cloud of smoke.

“That was mean” I chuckled, he glanced at me grinning. “Never said I was a nice person”

“True” I replied.

“So, where are we headed?”

“Mama’s personal assistant’s place, Chevron” I replied.


By the time we were done with the errands, it was late afternoon.

“Can we stop to get Abba’s crossiant?” I asked. He nodded and parked in front of a bakery.

I got out of the car and made my way to the entrance with Khalifa following me.

I ordered for the croissant and we soon we were on our way to the hospital. We stopped at a red light and I looked over to see Khalifa looking at me.

“What?” I asked, he smiled softly.

“Can’t I look at you?” I rolled my eyes.

“You are creepy” I murmured taking a sip of my milkshake. He chuckled and stepped on the accelator as the light turned green.

We arrived at the hospital in a few minutes, visiting hours were almost over. I was able to get into Abba’s room and dropped the paper bag for him. I glanced over at his sleeping form and smiled happy he was alive.

“See you tomorrow” I whispered before exiting. I met Farida and Suls outside talking with Khalifa. I stood next to Farida leaning my head on her shoulder.

“Let’s go back to mine and have dinner since my house is the closest.” Farida suggested.  We all agreed and Khalifa and I got into his car.

We arrived at Farida’s apartment, a part of me was dreading seeing Hamza. I didn’t realize I was freaking out till Khalifa rested his hand on mine.

“Are you okay?” he asked, I nodded and smiled at him.

“Well… are you ready to get out?”

I frowned at him, then realized Farida and Suls were waiting for us. I got out and we approached them. A few minutes later wee were at the door to her apartment. She unlocked the door and we got in.

“I have sauce so we can just make pasta or rice.” She explained dropping her bag and heading to the kitchen.

“Let’s have pasta, I am tired of rice” Suls answered.

“I’m with Suls on that too.” Khalifa said sitting down.

“Eh, you guys should come and cook.” Farida said.

“Please, can these two cook to save their skins?” I asked laughing.

“I take offence to that.” Suls interjected glaring at me.

“I don’t” Khalifa replied.

By the time we were done cooking and had set the table, it was time for Maghrib. We prayed and sat down for dinner.

It was a silent affair with a few words spoken in between. I decided to spend the night at Farida's. Khalifa and Suls left shortly after Isha.



Hello everyone.

Sorry for the late update.

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