Chapter 4

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We arrived at Shiro an hour later courtesy of blocked roads and traffic; we were currently seated waiting for the boys to show up.

"Why is Ummaymah ranting on Twitter?" Farida asked rolling her eyes at her phone.

"Isn't she always ranting?"

"I think she's subbing Khalifa" Farida said laughing.

"Loooool, she has time. Wait... did I tell you what happened" I asked sitting up.


"Okay... so you remember the day we were having lunch at the park, you, Ihsan and I?"

"The day she crashed our Lunch date?" Farida asked.

"Yeah, that day. Remember I warned her about Khalifa right. That he plays around"

Farida nodded, I could feel Maryam looking at me. I had seen her with Ummaymah several times in school. They were friends, not that I cared.

"Yeah, she was like she knows, she can't fall for him. He can't play her bla bla bla."

I nodded in agreement before continuing,

"Well, you remember the time we had a wedding in Kano and I followed Abba, Ihsan and Khalifa in his car?" she nodded.

"At a point I started feeling a headache coming up so I asked Abba to move over because I wanted to sleep. Any way I had laid down and drifting off to sleep when I heard Khalifa telling Abba to cover me up with a blanket. Ihsan was like I hope it's not that sperm and fluid infested blanket you plan on covering her with? Of course I was like EW... in my mind. Khalifa laughed at her and said he got rid of it and that it was a new one. Abba covered me then Ihsan again asked if she stopped calling you. Khalifa was like he doesn't think she will ever stop calling. Abba then said something along the line of you gave it to her good how do you expect her to leave you alone. Of course throughout this I was wondering who this girl was. Ihsan then dropped the bombshell... it was Ummaymah."

Farida's eyes went wide as she stared with her mouth open.

"She freaking slept with Khalifa?!!!"

"That's not all; apparently she also told him what I said about him. The whole she should be careful, Khalifa isn't a good person, and then she had the guts to insult me."

"What did Khalifa say?" Farida asked

"He blasted her and told her never to insult me."

"Is it so bad to say she deserved it?" Farida said hissing.

"I don't even know what she was trying to prove. I can say it to his face, infact I say it to his face."

"I remember the day you told him you can't wait till he meets his wife and he was like that won't stop him from going after other girls since he's entitled to 4." She laughed

"I swear that boy is an idiot" I rolled my eyes.

"An idiot that loooves you" Farida sang giggling. "Ugh please. I would rather remain unmarried."

"But seriously there was this day they were all at my apartnent and they were talking about them girls and I was like when are they going to repent. Khalifa said something."

"What did he say?" I asked

"The day he repents is the day you agree to be his" she whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what his problem is" I sighed.

"His problem is youuuu" she sang.

"Stop it's not funny" I glared at her.

"But you also aren't helping matters" she said.

"How?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You guys act like a couple. Like you guys are too close" she explained. "You are giving him false hope."

"You should tone it down a bit or one day nigga will make a move."

I bit my lip at that staring at her. Her expression changed

"What did he do?" she asked her eyes widened. I groaned hiding my face in my palms.

"This stays between us" I said eying her and Maryam. They both nodded, not that I really cared what Maryam thought.

"He tried to kiss me" I whispered. "Whaaaa" Farida squealed making people turn to us.

"When???" she whispered.

"Last month, he came to see me in school. We were seated in his car talking and then I wanted to see his ring, he extended his hand and I was kind of playing with his fingers then I don't know... this got tense, electric and he tried kissing me but I moved away."

"What did he say?"

"He asked me what I was afraid of." I replied.


"I didn't answer. I told him good night and went back to my hostel." I replied just as my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and smirked.

Speak of the devil


Hello Everyone!!!!

So Shiro is an Asian Restaurant located in Victoria Island Lagos State, Nigeria. The picture above is from the Restaurant.

She got a call from Khalifa💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽.

Don't worry you guys will meet him soon.

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Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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