Chapter 3

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I walked into the kitchen following the scent of fried eggs. I could hear voices; I looked up to see mama and Suls talking as they ate.

“Morning Mama, when did you get back?” I asked sitting down.

“A little after 3, half of the whole Island is blocked.” She replied shaking her head.

“You would think with how exclusive the Island is, it would have better drainage” Suls muttered stabbing his plantain.

“Don’t take out your frustration on the poor plantain” I said laughing.
The cook made her way over with a plate of oats for me. I thanked her and dug in.
Footsteps had me looking up…
I had actually forgotten about her.

“Good Morning” she said to my mum.

Oh… so she can greet

My mum smiled at her as she sat down.

“Najma, you never told me you had a friend a…”

“She’s not my friend” I cut her off. “She came with Suls”
She turned to Suls who was staring at me surprised.

“Yeah… her name is Maryam. She’s actually mama’s god daughter and she came over here for the holiday so I was showing her around.” He explained.

My mum nodded about to talk when her phone rang. She picked it up, made a face before answering. I noticed a tired look on her face before she sighed.

“I’ll be right there” she hung up, standing up to get her things.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“They need me back at the shop, apparently a client decided to change her designs and won’t talk to any of my assistants.” She explained as she got her car key.

“I’ll see you later” she replied walking out.

“So what are the plans for today?” Suls asked as the maid placed a plate in front of Maryam.

“I want to go see Farida. What about you?” I replied

“Hanging out with Khalifa and Abba, could Maryam accompany you. Maybe have a girls day?” he suggested.
I glanced at her

Do I have to?

“Sure… but you guys are meeting us at Shiro right?”

“Yeah” he nodded.


The driver parked in front of Ocean View Towers and I made my way out of the car with Maryam. We walked into the lobby, out of the corner of my eyes I could see Maryam looking around.
Probably not used to all these.

“Najma!” a voice called out.
I turned to see a familiar face walking towards us.

“Hello…” I smiled as the woman hugged me. I hugged her back not remembering her name.

“How are you? When did you come back” she asked

“I’m good. A week ago”

“How is School?”

“Horrible, but at least I am almost done.”
“Farida said you’re in your 3rd year”

“Yeah… just a year and half remaining” I smiled.

“Good luck then” she replied smiling back before walking away.

We parted ways and Maryam and I went to the elevators. I pressed the button to the 15th floor.

The elevator opened at the 10th floor and a tall, Arab boy stepped in. He murmured a hi and I replied back. We continued the ride in silence when he turned to me.

“Sorry but have we met before?” he asked

“No… I don’t think so” I replied.
He nodded and went back to his phone, a few seconds later he turned again

“By any chance, are you related to Farida?” he asked.

“Yes she’s my cousin… you know her?”

“Yeah… you guys look alike”

I smiled “I get that a lot.”

“I’m Hamza” he said

“Najma” I replied.

“You live here too?”

“No, just visiting.”

“Cool.” He murmured as the doors dinged and opened on her floor.

“Tell her I said hi. I’ll see you around Najma” he said. I smiled and watched as the door closed.
I turned to see Maryam looking around as usual.

Why do I keep on forgetting that she’s around?

I knocked on the door and a come in was yelled out.
I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see Farida wearing her earrings.

“Hey.” I greeted as I closed the door after Maryam passed.

“Hiii” she replied. I sat down on the couch

“Maryam, Farida. Farida, Suls’ friend Maryam.” I introduced. They said a quick hello.

“I’m coming, let me get my scarf” Farida said running to her room. I stood up and made my way to the fridge in the kitchen. I loved the way their apartment was. It was modern with more windows and concrete than any house I had ever been to.

“Farida don’t you have normal water?” I asked frowning at the contents of the fridge.

“Nope, ran out yesterday. Drink a Voss, it won’t kill you.” She shouted back. I rolled my eyes and grabbed two bottles making my way back to the living room. I handed Maryam one before making my way to Farida’s room.

Her room was the definition of minimalist fashion, a single bed, a full length mirror, a double wardrobe that looked simple from the outside but had a killer interior arrangement and a beautiful view of Lagos thanks to the ceiling to floor glass.

“How will you cope when we go to Kaura for Eid?” I asked. “I’ll take a carton with me” she replied tying her scarf into a turban.

“How will a carton be enough for a water nymph like you?”
She glared at me as she grabbed her car keys.

“I don’t just depend on Voss ya know. I drink other types of water too.” She said as we walked back to the living room.

“Ready?” she said turning to us. I nodded turning to Maryam who also nodded. With that we made our way out of the apartment back down to the parking lot. We walked to her car and got in.

“Where are we meeting the guys?” she asked.

“Shiro” I replied putting on my seat belt.

“Oh… nice. Ehen that reminds me, aunty Basma came to our house last week. Guess what she did?” she said pulling out of the parking lot onto the main street.

“I have no idea.” I replied.

“So you know there’s this new place in Lagos that makes boxed water?” she said, I nodded, I had seen it on Instagram.

“Well… I got their water because let’s face it, the carton is so cute. Anyway sha, I got home and left it on the counter just for this woman to open it and drink it.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

Typical Aunt Basma

“Next thing I know this woman called me back to the kitchen, scolding me for being fake.” I rolled my eyes at that.

“I was like, that’s how the water is sold… in a carton. She then kept quiet. I was so annoyed like what’s her business?” she ranted.

“I don’t know why you are annoyed. My mum had to put her in her place. The woman doesn’t know when to keep quiet and mind her business.”

“I swear… anyway enough about her.”

“That reminds me, we were on the elevator and a guy asked after you.” I told her.

“What’s his name?” she asked

“Uhmmm… Hamza.” I replied.

“Ohhh... Hamza, he’s so nice.”

“Yeah, he seems so.”

“He’s cute riiiiight?!!!” she teased

“Yeah he is…” I laughed.

“Any who, Maryam where are you from?”She asked looking at her through the rear view mirror.

“Kaduna” she replied.

“Cool. Where do you school?” she asked.
“Ahmadu Bello University” she said.

“OH! Same school with Najma here.”
“Yeah, I know her” she replied.
I cocked a brow at that


“Oh… you guys are friends?” Farida asked.

“Lol… we don’t run in the same social circle” I cut in repeating the same words she had once said to me.

She opened her mouth to talk but closed it back.

That’s right. keep your self-entitled mouth shut.


Ouuuu the tension between Najma and Maryam😄😄😄

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