Chapter 9

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I took a bite out of the last doughnut relishing the taste.

God XO Bakery’s doughnuts were the bomb.

I was currently seated in the kitchen in my pajamas, I had declared today my lazy day. The house was quiet as it was a Saturday, all the maids got a day off on the weekends except when something was happening and we needed them to come in.

The door bell ringing made me groan, who could possibly be here on a Saturday morning? I stood up and made my way to the front door and opening it.

“Yikes… I should have called before coming” he said in mock horror at my appearance. I hissed eying him.

“What do you want Khalifa?” I asked as he came in.

“Can’t I come and see you're doing?”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that as I made my way to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee. I needed one to deal with Khalifa.

“I want to take you out” he said as I reached for my mug, I turned to him placing it on the counter.

“Go get ready” he sat down eyes glued to his phone.

Typical Khalifa never asks just commands…

“Okay” I replied making my way out of the kitchen to my room, I peeped into my mum’s room to see her still sleeping. She needed the rest, this year has been her busiest ever and I was worried I would she would crash from the amount of work she does. I closed the door gently before walking to my room.

I turned off the lights and made my way to my bed slipping in and sighing.

Stupid boy thinking he can order me around…

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips at the thought of him realizing I wasn’t coming downstairs. I burrowed deep into my duvet and closed my eyes.


I let out a cry as the duvet was ripped off my body, sitting up squinting my eyes at the figure glaring down at me.

“What did you do that for?” I whined.

He raised a brow at me and without warning he grabbed my leg pulling me to the edge of the bed.

“What the hell” I screamed trying to scramble back to grab the headboard but he was having none of that when he grabbed my other leg and pulled me to the ground.

“Khalifa what are you doing?!!! Let me go you idiot!!!” I yelled. He ignored my protests, dragging me across the smooth marble tiles into my bathroom.

“Get in there. I will be waiting downstairs” with that he walked out leaving me shocked at his actions. I sighed before turning to the shower.


I made my way downstairs fixing the buckle of my bag; I looked up to see Khalifa lying down on the sofa in the foyer. I stopped staring at him, snug jeans and a black shirt.

“Stop staring” he murmured sitting up; I rolled my eyes at him.

“Don’t flatter yourself” I murmured as I walked closer to him.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“That’s for me to know and for you to be awestruck”

We walked out of the house to his car and got in. A few minutes later we were out of the estate.

I connected my phone to his car and went through my songs looking for what to play. I smiled and tapped on Morell’s Mu Kade.

The beat filled the car and I couldn’t help but nod my head to the song. I smiled singing along only to look at Khalifa to see him murmuring the lyrics and he continued driving.

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