Chapter 19

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I had decided to spend the day at home, the rest of my holiday infact. I didn’t bother answering any calls; I curled up in my bed with curtains drawn close, no lamps on. I had plunged my room into entire darkness just like my heart.

I’m done with you… You are dead to me.

The words sent pain deep into my soul, I had cried and cried and had no more tears to spill. Khalifa had destroyed me with those words and it was my entire fault, my damn trust issues.

Everybody at home had noticed my dark mood, even the maids. Mama had done all she could to find out what was going on, from pleading to threatening me but I kept shut.

What could I tell her?

Khalifa doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore?

I sighed as my phone beeped for the tenth time in 2 minutes; I frowned wondering what the hell was going on with my Twitter. I grabbed the phone and tapped on the app. My mentions were on fire, I frowned wondering what was happening.

My eyes widened when I realized someone had posted a clearer picture of the fight picture between Hamza and Khalifa and a picture from the Fashion show with Hamza and I, and then a picture of me holding onto Khalifa’s arm as he was leaving and to make everything worse, the person had tagged me.

“No… no… no, no, no. this cannot be happening” I whispered panic rising in my chest. My mentions were flooding in, my DM was no better.

I couldn’t deal with this, I just couldn’t. A message popped up.

Damn Najma!!! Such hoe like tendencies from you.

I exited the app and noticed the notifications on my Instagram were rising; I checked the app and realized my Twitter and Instagram were connected. Some were even going to my direct messages to hurl insults at me. My whole life was crashing in front of me.

My chest was tightening and suddenly I couldn’t breathe anymore, I threw the phone away scrambling to the curtains and tearing them away, I needed air, the wall felt like they were closing up on me.

The evening light burned my eyes and I flinched tripping over a stool and falling to the floor. I laid there sobbing and gasping for air.
I had no idea how long I laid there.

I sat up, staring at my window, it was nighttime. I got up and staggered to the bathroom to wash my face, my eyes were red and swollen, and my whole face had taken a reddish tint. I dragged myself back to bed and curled up under the duvet.

“Najma?” mama’s voice called softly, I didn’t lift my head off the pillow, and I didn’t even have the energy to do so.

“You should eat, Ada made your favorite”

“I’m not hungry” I croaked out.

I heard her sigh before my bed dipped in and I felt her hand on my arm.

“I know something happened… I don’t know what but I just want you to know I will always be here for you” she whispered. I didn’t reply but I felt her leave and the door closed softly.

Sleep didn’t come easy for me that night, I stayed curled up, jolting awake whenever I closed my eyes. I tossed the sheets and got the sleeping pills from my first aid box; I swallowed three and went back to bed. 5 minutes later, I was dead to the world.


Poor Najma 😭😭😭. I feel so sorry for her. I can't imagine having all these hate on me.

What do you guys think?

Who do you think is responsible for the Twitter Post.


Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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