Chapter 27

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We were in Abba's house, Khalifa and Suls were in the pool while the rest of us were lounging around.

It had been two days after Abba got discharged from the hospital and we decided to have a lazy day at his place.

"I can't with this sun" Farida moaned shielding her face.

"Tell me about it. You'd think God had released hell on Earth." I sighed fanning myself.

"Even the water is warm... I dont even know how that is remotely possible" Suls complained.

"I don't know why you guys are whining, the heat isn't that bad" Abba said, eyes closed.

"I don't blame you... the hospital messed your brain up" Suls retorted glaring at him. I chuckled at their antics before standing to get some water from the house.

Khalifa splashed me as I walked past him.

"Real mature Khalifa... real mature" I said dryly eyeing him. He grinned at me and my stupid heart did a backflip.

I made my way to the main house and into the kitchen, opening a bottle and gulping the liquid down.

I sighed in relief when I heard the door bell ring. I frowned wondering who it could be.

I walked to the front door and opened the door, my eyes widened at the woman standing infront of me.


"Hello Najma, can I come in please?" She asked

I stood there in shock before I snapped back into reality and stood aside for her to walk in.

"Is Abba home or is he still in the hospital?" She asked fiddling with the chain of her gown.

"What are you doing here?!" I blurted out. I couldn't hold my curiosity anymore. My cousin was hurting because of her, the last thing he needed was to see her.

"Sulaiman told me what happend and I just had to see him. I need to know if he's okay." She explained.

I rolled my eyes internally.

Ofcourse it would be Suls to blab to her about Abba.

"He's fine. He's healing. Thank you for your concern now you can leave" I said gesturing to the door.

"Please Najma, I know I'm the last person any of you would want to see but please, I need to see him. I need to talk to him."

"Why? Don't you think you've caused him enough heartache? I mean I get it, he wasn't serious and he took you for granted but God dammit Habiba he was going through a lot. He lost his parents for God sake, you knew how hard it was on him, you knew of his battles and inner demons yet you still walked away when he needed you the most" I yelled out, my voice trembling in anger.

"I was hurting too Najma, he kept pushing me away. I loved hell I love him but I could only take so much."

I snorted "That's just a whole lot of..."

"What's going on here?"

I turned to see Abba frowning before his eyes widened as they moved to Habiba.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I... I came to see you" she whispered.

He nodded swallowing hard before turning to me.

"Can you please excuse us Najma?" He asked.

I sighed nodding,  I shot her a look before leaving. I returned to the pool area and used a nearby towel to hit Suls on the shoulder.

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