Chapter 5

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I ended the call with Khalifa and Farida was practically bouncing on her seat.

“They are almost here” I said.

“Do you like him?” she blurted out,I shrugged.

“I don’t know”

“I think you are the only girl he will ever be serious with.” She said.

“Too bad we are never going to happen” I replied gesturing to the waiter that we were ready to order ending the conversation.

Five minutes later, the smell of designer perfumes seemed to permeate the restaurant. I glanced at the entrance to see them walking in.

Members of the Arewa Heartbreakers Association.

Hide your daughters!!!

Farida waved at them and they made their way over to us. Khalifa sitting next to me while Suls sat next to Maryam and Abba sat opposite Farida.

“Hey” Khalifa said smiling at me, “Hi” I smiled back.

I glanced at Suls waiting for him to introduce Maryam to the rest even though I knew she knew them on social media but typical Suls didn’t.

“Um… Maryam, this is Khalifa and that is Abba. Khalifa, Abba meet Suls’ mum’s god daughter” I introduced.

Abba looked up from his menu and glanced at her, he smirked before moving back to his menu.

Khalifa waved at her before turning his attention back to me.

“When did you get back to Lagos?” “A week ago” I replied
The waiter came back and the boys ordered for theirs too.

“How long have you girls been waiting for us?” Suls asked.

“15 minutes” Farida replied “what took you guys so long to get here?”

“Traffic” Suls groaned. “Only reason Lagos is such a pain”

“This is why I prefer Abuja” Abba said keeping his phone on the table.

“Hmmm Abuja” Khalifa said laughing.

“What’s so funny?” I asked Abba and Suls chuckled.

“You better not show your face in Abuja”

“Guy, they don’t scare me. They are cool; it’s the Kaduna girls that scare me.”

“Desperahoes” Suls said making the guys laugh more.

“Don’t worry Maryam, you aren’t one of them” Suls assured her still laughing. She smiled; I looked over at Abba who was trying to hold in his laughter, same with Khalifa.

“Can we just have lunch without you guys talking about girls please” Farida asked.

“Is that even possible? I think their brains are set on girls by default” I replied sipping my water.

“You wound me” Khalifa said holding his hand to his heart. I decided to ignore him.
Our meals arrived and everyone dug in when I felt Khalifa poking me. I turned to him.

“Guess what?” he said grinning

“What?” I asked


I don't know... you finally lost your remaining brain cells?”

He frowned at that before bringing out his phone turning it over. I gasped staring at the iPhone X Max.

“Woah Khalifa. Lemme see” I said abandoning my food to hold the phone that was more than my whole tuition for my tertiary education. He chuckled handing it over to me. I turned it over; it was a pretty and sleek phone.

“Open it” I said “I want to do that emoji thingy”

He opened the phone opened the app. I smiled choosing the animal I wanted.

“I don’t even know what to say” I giggled
He smiled “Just say anything” I cleared my throat

“Hellooo” I sent it to myself and played it; I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped. I looked up and noticed the other occupants were looking at me.

“What?” I asked before exciting the app and moving to his camera to take a picture.

“Let me bless your phone”

I settled on taking a picture of my food. I was about to tap on the shutter button when the phone rang.

Ummaymah 🍑 calling

I stared at the screen feeling disappointed.

“Here” I said keeping the phone on the table. He saw the call and swiped it away before handing the phone back to me.

“Take the picture”

“Don’t worry. I’m not interested anymore” I murmured picking up my chopsticks to continue eating even though my appetite was gone.

“Then let me take a picture of you. I still need you bless my phone.” He teased.

“I’m not in the mood” I murmured playing with my food. It was as if everybody noticed my mood because the conversation died down. The rest of the meal continued in silence and soon the meal was paid for and we were heading towards the car when I felt a hand on me.

“Can we talk?”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“Please Najma” he begged. I sighed and watched as he went over to Abba and Suls asking them if they could go with Farida and Maryam. They agreed and he walked back, we went up to his Ford Explorer and I got in. he also got in.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see” he replied.



Khalifa finally made an appearance!!!!

What do you guys think about him?
Let me know below.


Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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