Chapter 25

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The faint sound of thunder woke me up; I turned on my side, eyes widening when I saw Khalifa asleep on the chair across the bed.

I stood up and walked closer to him. He looked peaceful and I took my time to look at him.

His eye brows were sleek and dark, I was once jealous of those brows, and he was blessed with long lashes. He had a small cut above his lips from a dog attack years ago, it did nothing to detract from his appeal... infact it seemed to add more to his bad boy persona.

My eyes moved to those lips of his, pink and so very kissable. I sighed tearing my eyes from his sleeping form. My mind drifting to yesterday, Abba's OD and Khalifa's confession.

Tears rushed to my eyes at the thought of Abba and I hurriedly blinked them back. Now was not the time to cry.

Be strong Najma.

I went to the bathroom to get ready. By the time I was done, the bedroom was empty. I got dressed and walked downstairs, following the sound of pots and pans.

I entered the kitchen to see Khalifa making breakfast.

"Morning" he said smiling

"Morning" I replied.

"Shouldn't we be on our way to the hospital?" I asked

"After you eat" he said setting a large bowl of oats in front of me.

"I'm not hungry"

"You are... don't lie"

I groaned "Well I can't finish this" I said gesturing to the bowl.

He produced two spoons giving me one before digging in.

"Eat" he ordered.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Khalifa.

He sat down and we ate together, after the breakfast, I did the dishes while he went up to get ready.

I was seated on the kitchen stool when he came downstairs.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded biting my lip, I wanted to go see Abba.

Khalifa stopped to get an umbrella and together we huddled under the umbrella and walked to the car.

He waited till I was inside the car before he made his way to his side and got in, gently tossing the umbrella to the backseat.

He switched on the ignition and revved the car before driving off. The drive to the hospital was filled with comfortable silence.

He parked in the parking lot near the building. He reached over and got the umbrella before switching off the ignition and getting out. He came over to my side and I got out under the umbrella with him.

We walked to the entrance and he handed the umbrella to the security man before we made our way to the front desk.

“Good Morning.” He greeted the woman seated.

“Good Morning sir, how may I help you?” she asked.

“My cousin, Abdullah Abubukar was brought in here yesterday. We left before he was moved to a room. I would like to know his room number” She nodded and checked through the computer.

“He’s in room 8. Follow that door and take the second door on your left. The numbers are on the doors.” She instructed.

We thanked her and walked to the door she pointed to. The door led to a hall with an elevator at the end and two doors on each side.

We opened the second door to our left and Khalifa gently pushed the door with the number 8 open.  We met Farida lying on the sofa.

“Najma, how are you?” she asked rushing to hug me. I smiled reassuring her I was fine.

“How is Abba” I asked looking over at him, he had an IV drip on, his chest rising slowly but steady.

“Still asleep but the doctor said he might wake up this afternoon”

I sighed in relief murmuring a short prayer of gratitude.

“What about Suls?” Khalifa asked.

“He should be on his way here, he went to pick Ummaymah and Maryam up.” She explained.

“You should go get some rest too” I advised noticing the dark circles under her eyes.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine” she replied. “No, you aren’t” Khalifa argued giving her his car key.

“Go get some rest; we’ll call you if he wakes up”
She hesitated but Khalifa remained firm and she sighed, waving before leaving.

  I walked over to where Abba was lying and gently took his hand in mine.

“He’ll be okay” Khalifa murmured behind me. I nodded wiping the tear that fell down my cheek.

“I was so scared” I whispered looking back at Khalifa. “I… I thought he was going to die” my voice broke into sobs.

Khalifa placed his hand on my back, rubbing gently.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise”

I nodded; sitting in the seat near Abba while Khalifa sat down on the sofa. We stayed like that for a while till the door opened.

“Khalifaaa” a voice sang out, I rolled my eyes.


“Suls.” He greeted ignoring her.


“Khalifa” Suls greeted back before turning to me.

“Najma, how are you?” he asked.

“I’m good. How are you?”

“Good. How’s Abba?”

“Getting better, Farida told us the doctor said he was going to be okay” I replied.

“I’m heading to the cafeteria. Anyone need anything?” he asked.

“Water” Maryam said.

Oh, she’s also here.

The door closed as Suls left.

“Khalifa, I kept on calling your phone yesterday night but you didn’t answer” she whined trailing her arm over his chest.

“My phone was the last thing on my mind last night” he replied moving away from her. My eyes widened at how suggestive his reply sounded.

Ummaymah looked at me, eyes narrowed. I cocked a brow at her.


She looked back at him as he looked up at me, my eyes still wide at his words. To add more fire to her rage, he winked at me.

If looks could kill at that moment, I would have been six feet under. I turned back to Abba deciding I had enough of her evil glare.

Suls returned with Maryam’s water and pack of gum. We all sat in silence with Ummaymah trying to strike a conversation with Khalifa who was either ignoring her or replying her with one word answers.

The doctor and a nurse came in and asked us to step outside as they were going through their rounds. Some of the seats had been occupied by another family.

Ummaymah and Maryam immediately claimed the remaining two. I leaned against the wall next to Khalifa.

“Khalifa why don’t you have my seat?” she asked glaring at me.

“I’m okay. Najma do you want to sit down?” he asked. I stared at her before turning back to him.

“Nah, I’m comfortable where I am” I smiled at him. He smiled back and I leaned my head on his arm just to spite her. She spent the remaining minutes glaring at me before getting off her seat and storming off.

Childish much

Maryam followed after her.

Follow follow

The doctor and nurse left and we were allowed back into the room, Suls stepped out to answer a call leaving Khalifa and I alone.


“She thinks we slept together” I said

“Well… we did” he replied making me gape at her.

“Khalifa!!!” I hissed.

“What?!” he exclaimed innocently. “We did sleep together… in the same room”

“You are annoying” I huffed rolling my eyes at him.

“And you’ll have me no other way” he whispered grinning.

“Don’t be too sure of yourself” I replied trying to hide how his smile affected me.
He stared intently at me and my breath hitched.

Oh my God, he’s going to kiss me

“You guys lip locking isn’t the first thing I want to see when I wake up” a weak husky voice uttered.

I gasped, spinning away from him.




Yaaaay Abba is awake 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽!!!!

Khalifa is snubbing Ummaymah 😂😂😂.

All is well again in Najma's life

.... or is it?


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Hugs and kisses 💕💕

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