Chapter 28

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The next two weeks went drama free, Farida tried convincing me to go back on Social media but I was far from ready. I wasn't ready to face the stigma.

I was currently at Farida's place, we had decided to watch a movie, well I was watching the movie she was scrolling through her Twitter feed.

"Oh. My. God!!!" She screamed.

"What?!" I asked looking over at her, she was on her feet, eyes on her phone.

"You need to see this" she scrambled almost colliding with me, shoving the phone to my face.

I collected the phone from her, looking at the screen. My eyes widened at the pictures I was seeing.

Don't worry about that. I know exactly what to do

Khalifa's words drifted into my mind.

They were the pictures we had taken the day we spent the entire day together. That wasn't what shocked me, it was the tweet.

Some of you should know me by now. Stop catching feelings just cause I hang out with you, time we spent means nothing to me and sure as hell should mean nothing to you. Humiliating Najma won’t change my mind, you’re just desperate, it’s obviously loud and clear. So mind your business. She’s the one and only.

My heart slammed in my chest, I sank to the chair.

"This is the most romantic thing I have ever seen" she cooed plucking the phone from my hands. "You need to see the comments... Naj, are you okay?"

I felt her gently shake me. I looked up at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked again.

I nodded blinking.

"You blanked out on me." She sat next to me scrolling through her feed.

"Damn Najma, you have become hot cake. Everyone is retweeting this. Look at Suls' reply." She said handing over the phone.

I sighed, looking at Suls tweet.

Match made in heaven. Bitch beware!!!

Khalifa had liked it and retweeted.

Abba also retweeted.

I tapped on Khalifa's tweet and scrolled down to the replies.

-Okay now I'm confused. What about the tweets from weeks earlier?

Khalifa had replied him.

-A petty jealous soul. Nothing to worry about bruv. Najma is it for me.

Another comment

-Aren't you @itsumzzz boyfriend?

-No. Just had a taste of her. You can too if you want🤷🏾‍♀

Oh wow. I handed her the phone sighing.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know Farida. Will this really stop all the hate I'll get when I resume school?"

"Well, it won't stop all but that's where you need to step up. I know it's not going to be easy but we are all here for you."

I nodded.

"At least Khalifa isn't part of the Arewa Heartbreakers Association anymore" she laughed, I couldn't help but join her.

We decided to concentrate on the movie.


The door bell rang as the movie ended. Farida was in the kitchen so I walked over to open the door.

"Khalifa!!! What are you doing here?!"

"You're avoiding me." He said leaning against the door frame.

"Pshhh, me... avoid you... nah" I sputtered.

"Yeah right. Where's Farida?" He asked.

"In the kitchen" I replied.

"Let's get out of here then" he grinned.

"I can't just leave"

"Why? She had you for the last two weeks. She won't miss you for a few hours"

"You want me to ditch her?

"Pretty much"

I rolled my eyes, walking to the kitchen.

"Farida, Khalifa's here. We're heading out for a bit. I'll be back."

"Okay have fun. Khalifa I heard what you said!!!!"

I turned to him, he rolled his eyes, I laughed grabbing my phone and bag.

"Shall we?"

"This way" he smiled opening the door. The trip down the to the lobby was in silence.

"Your carriage awaits my lady" he bowed opening the car door.

"Why thank you kind sir!!!" I laughed getting in.

"So where are... oh wait... that's for you to know and for me to be surprised."

He chuckled pulling the car into a reverse.

"Actually I was thinking of OceanBasket" 

I faked a gasp looking at him. "Did you just tell me where we are going to? Who are you and what have you done to Khalifa?"

"Oh this is still Khalifa, just a bit different" he replied.

"And why is that?" I asked.

He glanced at me smiling.

"He got his girl."


And Fin!!!

We have to come the end of Loving Khalifa.

Oh Allah... it's been a long ride with you guys💖💖💖

Check out the next author's note in the next chapter.💞

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