Chapter 14

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The days seemed to fly past; I spent most of them with Hamza, showing him around the Island. I had not seen Khalifa since the movie night.

Finally it was the weekend, Saturday to be exact and I was getting ready for Abba’s birthday bash.

His gift was on my bed wrapped while I sat in my towel thinking of what to wear. I decided to go with a pastel yellow gown with slits running down the sides from the hips; I paired it with a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a turban. I grabbed the gift and my bag before leaving.

I was to meet everybody at the venue; I let out a sigh resting my head against the head rest.

It took us about 20 minutes to get from my house to Ikoyi Club. Since the vehicle as already registered with the club we had no trouble getting into the club.

The driver parked and I got out walking towards the bar, Abba had decided he wanted an outdoor bash so we were using the space outside the bar. The place had been cleared for us.

I placed the gift on the table and walked out to the patio, the party was already in full swing. I scanned the crowd looking for a familiar face. I spotted Farida laughing with Suls and I approached them.

“Heyyy… what took you so long?” Suls asked hugging me.

“Couldn’t find what to wear” I replied as he passed me a drink.

“Where’s the birthday boy?”

“Over there with his flavours” Farida pointed, I looked over and saw Abba surrounded by girls.

Maryam was there trying to claim ownership of him, it was very laughable; he wasn’t even paying attention to any of them.

I made my way to him and I could feel the eyes of the girls on me. Some with curiosity, some with hostility.

Please… you can have him.

“Abba!!!” he turned looking annoyed before smiling when he realized it was me.

“Naj… sorry... I thought it was someone” he apologized standing up to hug me.

“Happy birthday” I whispered into his ear.

“Thank you” he replied and I pulled back smiling at him.

“I’ll leave you to them” I said gesturing to his girls, he groaned.

“I’m looking for a way to ditch all of them” he grumbled. I laughed patting his shoulder.

I walked away, heading to the food bar. I got a cupcake and bit into it, moaning at the taste. I turned to my left and my eyes met hazel ones.


I took in his outfit, black kaftan complete with a cap; his usually clean shaven face now sported a 5 o'clock shadow beard.

Beard gang gang gang

He looked so good, I swallowed hard at the intensity of his gaze, it seemed as if the entire crowd between us had disappeared, I couldn’t even hear the music anymore. The connection was broken when a hand cupped his cheek and he looked away.

I turned to the owner of the hand and saw it was a girl, I knew her, well not personally. She was a model and she had appeared on several TV shows.

Great… how could I even compete with that.

She was dressed in a black gown also, complementing him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and I watched them walk towards Abba.

I sighed, placing the half eaten cupcake in the trash before heading back to Farida and Suls. I noticed a tall man with them, they all turned to me and I realized it was Hamza.

“Hey” I smiled

“Hi” he smiled back. I joined them, listening to their conversation.

A few minutes later we joined Abba, singing to him as they rolled the cake in. After that everybody got cake, I noticed Khalifa and the girl were seated at a distance talking and laughing; Khalifa raised his hand and fed her some cake.

I looked away feeling like my heart was about to explode. I was furious, I was sad, I didn’t even know how I felt.

The party was slowly winding down and we were all together when Khalifa and the girl came over to join us.

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