Chapter 1

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Character Description

Name: Yuna Lin

Age: 5-18

Weight: average

Height: short for any age

Clothing: Black hoodie with black leggings and black ninja sandals with a blank headband around her forehead.

Looks: Waist Length Black Hair with black eyes and an average build.

Personality: you'll see

Yuna's POV - Age 5

Someone knocks on my door and I squeak.

"Oh no." I say quietly and I slowly walk to the door and I open it a crack. I look through the crack when I hear a hiss and I shut the door again.

"Open the door child." An older mans voice says in a snake like tone that scares me.

"Why?" I ask quietly.

"Just do it!" He says annoyed and I squeak and I foolishly open the door. "That's better." He says and smirks.

He has pale white skin, yellow snake like intimidating eyes with purple sage marks around them, and long black hair that is as flat as slate.

I shrink back as he smirks at me and he walks in the house.

"Yuna Lin, a girl from the forest clan, that was wiped out over a decade ago for their natural abilities to use the forest style, your the last one." He says to me and my eyes widen.

He knows? So Mom and Dad are dead, but how did he know who I was?

"Your coming with me." He says to me.

"What is your name?" I ask him.

"Orochimaru, now, come on." He says to me as he walks out of my house.

I start getting worried as I look at my house and I follow him without much choice.

3 Years later

I move my hands that are chained above my head from the ceiling. The guard comes in and I look at him scared as he smirks.

"Time to have some fun." He says to me.

I shrink back as I grab the chain with my hands as he comes closer to me and the ground starts shifting as my fear increases, grass comes up from the ground with tree's and the guy looks around and then smirks at me as he see's terror on my face.

The trees bind him tightly and I hear his bones crack as he let's out a scream as they bind tighter.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream at him and the trees block the blood from going everywhere.

The rest of the guards run in and don't see the guard who was supposed to be by the door and instead sees trees and grass and me, with a terrified look.

"What happened?" One asks angry as he walks over to me and I try backing away, but the chains won't go any further.

Tears fall down my face as he grabs me.

"What, the hell, happened?" He asks in a menacing tone.

"He, he, he, he was gonna do it to me again." I cry quietly.

"Do what?" He asks annoyed.

"He was, he was gonna make me do the thing with him." I say quietly as the tears don't stop.

"The thing? Oh." He says and he grip on me tightens and I whimper. "You didn't have to kill him." He says to me.

"It wasn't my fault! I can't control this power because I have no training, I've been locked in here for years, you just can't expect me to control my power." I say quietly and his grip gets tighter and I whimper again.

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