Chapter 8

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A Long While Later - Yuna's POV

I stand in front of Kabuto, pissed with Itachi and Sasuke behind me.

"Yuna." Kabuto says to me with a snake like smirk.

"I should just summon Manda and tell him he can have all the sacrifices he wants of your side." I say to Kabuto annoyed and he glares at me.

"These two don't like each other." Itachi says watching us.

Itachi and Sasuke take care of Kabuto and I roll my eyes at Kabuto as I walk out of the place and I head back into the battlefield.

Another While Later

I see someone fly up into the air and I see the moon turn red with tomes like the sharigan but in ripples like the rinnegan.

I run a hand through my hair as I watch the moon.

"There's no perfect world for me." I say and I try getting people out and that doesn't work.

"Who are you?" I hear someone ask nearby and I look over to see a reanimation and he looks like the First Hokage.

"My name is Yuna Lin." I say to him with a smile.

"A Lin? Then why aren't your hair and eyes green?" Another one asks and he looks like the Second Hokage.

"My father wasn't a Lin so I took after him in looks." I say and the two nod.

"Yuna, its been a while." The Third Hokage says to me.

"That it has Lord Third." I say to him with a smile and I look out over the battlefield.

"Are you still working under Orochimaru?" Lord Third asks me.

"No, I got my Curse Mark removed, I'm free, and 4 months after, Kakashi dragged me into this conflict." I say and I sigh and Lord Third chuckles amused.

"So you and Kakashi are friends now?" Lord Third asks and I shrug.

"Wouldn't say that but we aren't enemies." I say to him and Lord Third nods.

"She was an enemy of the Leaf?" Lord Second asks and me and Lord Third nods.

"Its a long, long story that I don't want to tell right now, again." I say to him with a nervous smile as I rub the back of my neck and then I look at the Battlefield.

Then an old man appears and tells the story of his mother and his brother and then of his two sons and I watch, not talking, just listening.

"Yuna, your quiet." Lord Third comments and I look in his direction.

"I'm just listening, its not my place to talk since I don't know much about the world since I never officially became a ninja, I was just trained as one." I say to him and that shocks the three kage.

I watch Hagoromo who had introduced himself to us as he studies me, my eyes flicker to the battle field for a moment when I see something move, it was a snake, then my eyes flicker back to Hagoromo and it looks like to the others, that we're just having a staring contest, but we're studying each other.

"Girl, what is your name?" Hagoromo finally asks and I blink.

"For the love of, after all that, jeez, my name is Yuna Lin." I say to him and Lord Third chuckles at how I get easily annoyed by stupid questions.

We end up bringing everyone back and I see Kakashi look at me shocked.

"You didn't get caught?" Kakashi asks me.

"No, for one, no type of Gen-Jutsu works on me and for two, there is no perfect world for me because I've already accepted the facts that my parents are never coming back, my best friend was already gonna die and I was imprisioned most of my life so I know next to nothing about humanity or the real world." I say and Kakashi nods.

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