Chapter 3

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The Next Day -  Yuna's POV

I walk through town when I bump into a kid with a black cat sort of suit, on, the one from yesterday. He's holding up a kid with a long blue scarf.

My eyes narrow as I look at the situation. "Put the kid down and go on your way." I say to the kid.

"No." He says then sees my headband and gulps.

I sigh. "Look, I'm not in the mood today, so if you could just cooperate with me?" I ask to him.

"Why should we listen to you?" Cat boy says to me and I smile.

"Because I'm a terrifying woman who could kick your ass in less than a minute, now out the kid down before I smack the shit out if you." I say to him and he shivers and drops the kid. I smile and nod. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" I ask.

I see a group of Genin from the Leaf and a few kids watching me shocked.

I see the unstable red head and the blonde from yesterday as well.

I smile. "Alright, my cue to leave." I say and disappear and I reappear a block away.

My bangs fall over my eye as I walk and think.

I put my hands behind my back as I see a transformed Orochimaru pass me. He glances at me and smirks and I give him a small nod and his smirk widens and he continues walking like nothing happened.

I see Kakashi following me and I roll my eyes as I move the bangs from my face and I just keep walking.

I get to the academy where my 'students' are.

I narrow my eyes slightly at Kabuto who is just smirking.

"Sensei, you finally made it." Kabuto says to me.

"Sorry, I got a little held up earlier with a small problem." I say with a small shrug as I keep my hands behind my back. "You guys are to head to the 3rd floor classroom, and your not to cause your village any trouble, your other Sensei, a friend of mine is busy and asked me to watch you, be good." I say to them and Kabuto nods.

I look in Kakashi's direction and I roll my eyes.

"Also, watch out for the LATE, silver haired pedophile pervert over there." I say and I hear cursing from the bush before a poof and I smirk. "Not the only one paying attention, now are we Hatake?" I ask amused and I start walking.

"Wait, what is the test?" Kabuto asks me and I smirk.

"You should know by now, after all, you've been here six times already, isn't this your seventh time now?" I ask and he tchs in annoyance. "Ja ne." I say as I leave the premisis. I head into the forest and I sit next to a tree where I meditate for a while.

"Why are there so many flowers?" Kakashi mutters and I crack a smile.

"Because, I like flowers." I say as I open my violet eyes and I look at Kakashi as he comes out of his bush.

"What are you even doing out here anyways?" He asks me annoyed.

"Meditating, you should try it, it might cool your attitude down." I say to him with a smirk as I close my eyes again.

"You shouldn't close your eyes to someone you barely know." Kakashi says to me.

"Whatever." I say and I get up and I open my eyes as I grab my katana from the ground and I clip it to my side as I start walking. "Men are such a pain." I say as look forward and Kakashi just grumbles and follows me.

I put my hands behind my back as I walk and I look up at the Sakura Trees.

"What are you doing here Kakashi? And who is this?" A woman with long dark messy hair and red eyes asks him with a guy who is smoking beside her.

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