Chapter 5

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One Week Later - Yuna's POV

I stand in the middle of my training grounds, a little exhausted since I've been training nonstop since breakfast.

"Yuna." Orochimaru says at the entrance of my training grounds.

I turn around with one leg behind my other leg and my arms behind my back with a smile on my face until I see Kabuto. "Lord Orochimaru." I greet.

"Me and Kabuto are leaving for a while, we'll be taking Sasuke with us." Orochimaru says to me and I frown and nod.

"Yes Lord Orochimaru." I say to him and the two leave.

I puff my cheek out in a pouting manner since I know how long those two can be gone for, I'm gonna be all alone here.

I get back to training until its dinner time and I'm starving.

I head to the kitchen and I heat up some of yesterdays dinner and I sit at the table eating.

I frown since normally Kimimaro is sitting next to me eating and we're always talking.

'Don't frown, it doesn't suit you.' Kimimaro's words ring through my head constantly.

I finish eating and I head to my room and I take a long shower, getting the dirt off me from training and once I'm done, I stretch and change into my pajamas.

1 Year Later

I sit in my room, just sketching when I hear a knock and I look up.

I get up and I walk over to my door and I open it to see Sasuke.

"You guys were gone for a long while." I comment and he nods.

"Fight me." Sasuke says to me and I sweat drop.

"Way to say hello." I say to him.

"Just do it." Sasuke says to me and I pout and take him to my training grounds.

"Your becoming so mean Sasuke." I say to him, still pouting and he rolls his eyes and I give him the signal to attack.

He rushes at me quickly and I dodge him and I grab his arm with his katana and I pull it behind him and I grab his other arm and pull it behind him also, I put pressure on his wrist until he drops his katana and I push him on the ground, sitting on him.

"I win Sasuke." I say to him with a smile and he grunts and I pout and get off him.

"You haven't slacked off Yuna." Orochimaru says at the door and I turn around with one leg behind the other and my arms behind my back with a smile.

"I've had nothing to do Lord Orochimaru, so I trained." I say to him with a small shrug.

"Well, Sasuke still has a way to go, why don't you train him for a while?" Orochimaru asks me and I tilt my head to the side confused.

"Alright, but expect him to be able to travel this week." I say to Orochimaru who chuckles amused and nods then leaves. "Sasuke, what is your motivation to train?" I ask him as I turn around to look at him.

"I want to avenge my clan by killing my brother who killed them." Sasuke says to me with a dark look in his eyes.

I frown sadly. "Darkness and hate have eaten away your heart, when you first got here, I could see you were a good kid, despite having fought with your best friend and leaving your home." I say to Sasuke and he looks at me slightly shocked. "Your brother, Itachi I assume, right?" I ask and he nods slowly. "Itachi is strong, I've fought him before and it was a close tie between the two of us, I'm not affected by Gen-Jutsu, so you have a disadvantage against me, Itachi nearly beat me with his Mangekyo, if it wasn't for my Kekkie Genkai's last resort, I'd probably be with the Akatsuki, it was our little deal, if I lost to him, I'd have to join the Akatsuki, if he lost to me, he'd have to come with me to Lord Orochimaru, our fight tied and we got dragged away by our partners." I say an amused smile on my lips at how Kimimaro scolded me for that fight.

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