Chapter 13

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A Few Months Later - Yuna's POV

I scratch the back of my neck as I head through the gates of the Leaf Village.

"Yuna." Gaara says to me and I smile at him.

"Hi Gaara, Temari, Kankuro." I greet and Temari looks at me slightly skeptical.

"Yuna, did you come for Naruto's wedding?" Izumo asks me.

"Sadly no, Kakashi wanted me on patrol for him during the wedding, but I'll be able to attend the reception." I say to him and he nods with a smile. "Speaking of, that idiot Naruto didn't even tell me he was getting married, I had to hear from Sakura and Hinata, mostly Sakura." I say and Izumo chuckles amused. "Well, this is gonna be boring until the reception." I say as I stretch walking into the village.

"Make sure you change before the reception." Izumo reminds me.

"Yeah I know, my clothes for it are in my bag." I say and I head to the Hokage office and I knock.

"Come in."

I walk in and I look at Kakashi and Naruto.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Yuna came because of Naruto." Kakashi says amused.

I put my hand on my hip as I look at Kakashi. "You bastard Kakashi, putting me on patrol during the ceremony? I hope your gonna have someone record it." I say and Kakashi chuckles. "And Naruto, you idiot, you should have told me with Hinata instead of Sakura and Hinata, jeez." I say to him and Naruto chuckles nervously.

"We're gonna record it so you can cry later with everyone else." Naruto says to me and I pout slightly. "Is Sasuke coming?" Naruto asks me.

"Sadly no, he doesn't think he's worthy enough to be by your side right now on one of the biggest moments of your life, I tried to get him to come, but he's stubborn, if you can send a copy of the video with me, I'll give it to him to watch, but, I do have something from him, I'll give it to you at the reception." I say to him with a small sigh at how stubborn Sasuke is.

Naruto frowns. "Thanks Yuna." Naruto says to me, putting on a grin.

I smile. "Don't worry, I'll try to convince him to come to the village when you and Hinata are having a baby, maybe it'll get him thinking with Sakura." I say and Naruto's grin gets even brighter.

"Your the best Yuna!" Naruto says hugging me before heading out.

I smile amused by him. "He's a lovable idiot I see." I say to Kakashi who nods in agreement and I walk over.

Gaara, Temari and Kankuro come in as I look at a paper that shows the route I'm patrolling.

"What a pain in the ass, Kakashi, when did the outside of the village get so confusing?" I ask him.

"Right, you don't know that Pain, the leader if the Akastuki attacked and flattened the village and its entire population." Kakashi says to me and my eye twitches as the paper wilts in my hand.

"You could have told me that before I agreed to the patrol, I might've reconsidered." I say to him and Kakashi chuckles at that.

"No you wouldn't have." Kakashi says to me.

"She's just aloud to do this?" I hear Kankuro ask Gaara.

"I can hear you, I'm not deaf you know." I say as I flicker my gaze at them for a moment before its back at Kakashi.

"Yes Kankuro, she's aloud, she may not be a ninja, but she is still skilled, she's been making regular visits to the Leaf the past year and a half. Reporting in for Yamato some times since he's busy watching Orochimaru, and other times its because Sakura, Tenten and Ino have made plans with her and then sometimes its just to bug me because she's bored." Kakashi says to him with a smile.

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