Chapter Valentine

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A Few Weeks Later - Yuna's POV

I hum quietly as I walk through the Leaf Village with my hands in my pockets and Kakashi walks up next to me with a smile on his face.

I look at him confused. "Shouldn't you be working?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Not right now." He says and he holds a small box of chocolates out to me and I look at it confused. "Happy Valentines Day Yuna." He says to me with a closed eyed smile and I suddenly get very embarrassed, making him chuckle amused at my red face.

"I-I." I stutter unable to speak as I nervously take the chocolates.



Kakashi chuckles nervously while my face is as red as a tomato and I'm looking at the chocolates flustered.

"You want to go get lunch?" Kakashi asks me nervously as he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"At this rate, he'll kill her."

I nervously nod and he takes my hand and my face heats up even more as we head to Ichiraku's.

"Your usuals?" Ayame asks us with a smile.

"Yes please." Kakashi says to her with a smile.

I smile, still flustered.

"So, are you two on a date?" Teuchi asks us and my face gets red again.

"Yes. Yes we are." Kakashi says proudly and without any shame.

If any possible my face gets even redder than before.

"Then the meal is on the house." Teuchi says to us with a grin as he sets our bowls in front of us.

"Thanks for the food." We say and we break our chop sticks.


I jump, startled. "What? What is going on?" I ask and Kakashi looks behind him and as Naruto stands there, breathing heavily.

I look at him confused.

"You got to help me." Naruto says to us.

The color on my face finally goes back to normal which is ridiculously pale, but its normal to me.

"What do you need help with?" Me and Kakashi ask him.

"I need to get Hinata something for Valentines Day and I don't know what to get." Naruto says to us and I smile amused. "And she's the best gift giver I know." Naruto says to us and I tap my chin.

"Well, I haven't gotten Kakashi anything yet, and I'm pretty good at finding gifts that will please someone." I say and Kakashi looks at me.

"Then help me, I'm begging you." Naruto says to me crying.

"After me and Kakashi finish our ramen." I say to Naruto.

"I'm already done." Kakashi says to me and I look at his bowl.

"What the fuck?" I ask and Naruto nods in agreement.

Naruto orders a bowl of ramen and we eat and then I head with him into the shopping district.

"What to get her?" Naruto asks worried.

I smile amused and I head into Ino's shop.

"Yuna, Naruto? What are you two doing here?" Ino asks us with Sai next to her.

"Naruto needs a gift for Hinata." I say to her and she nods.

Naruto looks for the roses but there are none today. "Where are the roses?" Naruto asks.

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