Chapter 15

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Yuna's POV

I get to Orohcimaru's hide out after a while and I slide to a stop, looking around, wondering how the hell I ended up here.

"Yuna?" Yamato asks me.

"How did I end up here? I was running from there, for complicated reasons of course, I thought the base was that way, maybe I took a wrong?" I ask myself and Yamato sweat drops until Haru appears out of nowhere, behind me. "SHIT!" I yell shocked as I punch him and he goes flying back.

"Yuna, who was that?" Yamato asks on guard and I wave him down.

"You need not be on guard, he's harmless, just annoying." I say to Yamato as a very angry Haru stomps over to me.

"Yuna, he doesn't look happy." Yamato says to me and I nod.

"Seems so." I say as vines entangle him on my command. "Calm down, I have a certain reaction when it comes to menacing aura's directed at me in a close range, I nearly killed Kakashi one time because of it." I say to Haru as I cross my arms over my chest.

"You nearly killed Kakashi-Senpai?" Yamato asks me.

"This was during the Chunin Exams when Orochimaru attacked." I say and Haru looks like a raging beast as Suigetsu comes out.

"Hey Yuna, who's the one tied in vines this time?" Suigetsu asks me.

"Manda food if he doesn't calm down." I say and Suigetsu nods and we watch Haru for a couple minutes. "Wanna have a duel as we wait for him to calm down?" I ask Suigetsu.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to test out a new technique." Suigetsu says to me and I nod.

"So can I just leave this to you for a while then?" Yamato asks me.

"Sure, why not, no one is leaving without my permission anyways, they know better than to screw with me." I say to Yamato who nods in agreement and he leaves to take a rest.

I pull out my katana as Suigetsu pulls out his and we clash back and forth a few times while Haru scowls at me.

I watch Suigetsu as he jumps off a tree right for me and I block his katana with mine and I get slid back on my heels and I nearly fall backwards, but I put my foot behind and I get cornered to a tree and I smile.

"AWESOME!" Me and Suigetsu cheer, until I kick him into the tree across from me.

"So cruel." Suigetsu mutters getting up.

"You were in my personal space bubble, you see where my arms are going? Around and above me, you don't enter this bubble unless I give your permission to." I say to Suigetsu who nods.

"You two are at it again?" Karin asks us and I shrug.

"I was bored, we're watching Haru calm down." I say and I see him gone. "Well shit." I say and I get picked up from behind like a sack of potatoes and my eye twitches.

"Oh he's gonna get it." Suigetsu says shaking his head.

My legs are just long enough to kick him hard enough, that he'll have to have a funeral for his dick.

I kick him there as hard as I could and he freezes as we hear a small crack.

Suigetsu cringes while Karin laughs and I get dropped. I land on my hands and I flip back next to Karin in a crouching position as we watch Haru fall like a tree being cut down.

"TIMBER!" I cry out and then crash.

"What is all this noise about?" Kabuto asks annoyed as him and Orochimaru come out, Orochimaru of course, has a pleasant smile on his face, until he sees me and Karin laughing while Suigetsu is cringing.

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