Chapter 17

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A Week Later - Yuna's POV

"Yuna." Izumo says to me as me, Haru and Nori walk up to the gates.

"Hey Izumo, Kotesu, is Kakashi working?" I ask them.

"When does he?" Kotesu asks amused.

"Fair point, but is he still in office?" I ask them.

"Yes, he's still there." Izumo says to me and I nod in thanks and I smile at the two.

"Thanks Izumo, Kotesu." I say to them and me, Nori and Haru walk to the Hokage building and I knock.

I hear a crash and then a groan and I proceed to walk in and I see Kakashi getting up.

"That sounded fun." I say to Kakashi amused.

"Yes, to you." Kakashi says to me as he sits down. "Your back early, what happened this time?" Kakashi asks me amused.

"They're being children, I can't take them anywhere without them fighting." I say to Kakashi who chuckles amused.

"Yuna, who is the guy?" Kakashi asks me.

"Eh? Oh he's Haru, so apparently you knew I had a dad who was the Old Man, and you possibly new I had a brother." I say and Kakashi sweat drops nervously.

"You found out then?" Kakashi asks me and I nod.

"Yuna, would you mind introducing me to your boyfriend?" Haru asks and mine and Kakashi's faces turn red.

"HARU!" I yell at him and he laughs.

"We aren't a thing." Me and Kakashi state as we look away from each other.

"He's too busy." I say to him.

"And she can't handle village life." Kakashi says to him.

"Fuck that shit, you two are blushing anyways." Haru says to us amused.

"I'm so sorry Kakashi, I just don't know how I landed with an embarrassing brother." I say and Haru lays on the ground twitching with Nori laughing at him.

"Its ok, I can see where he thinks that though. We get along better than friends do." Kakashi says to me and I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." I say to him.

"So, where did you visit?" Kakashi asks me.

"I first saw Old Lin ruins, a woman was trapped under some rubbed, I saw Sasuke after that, then I ran into Haru and the Old Man but he had me and Haru fight, I won without much trouble, Nori then ran into us, and then jazz happened after that and I being clueless and without Sasuke summerizing what the hell just happened I was told to what actually happened when I was a baby and how me and these two got separated when we were babies and what exactly happened from then on and all that and then Old Man headed home and the three of us went traveling, he put me in charge of Haru and Darui C left me in charge of Nori, fun right? Well we ended up at the Cloud Village I didn't go in because the Raikage doesn't really like me, then we headed to the Sand and I was dragged in and then we ran into conflict, those two started fighting." I say and Kakashi nods. "And thats as far as we got." I say to Kakashi.

"What did you think of the sand then?" Kakashi asks me with a smile.

"There was this one jackass but everyone else was nice." I say and Kakashi nods.

"That hurt Yuna." Haru says sitting up with a groan. "You didn't have to get all defensive for your boyfriend." Haru says to me and that does it.

"ALRIGHT! Your going back to the Old Man, your teasing is giving me a headache and frankly, your also embarrassing me and yourself because you couldn't be so wrong." I say to Haru and I whack him on the head once while Kakashi chuckles nervously.

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