Chapter 4

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Anna'a POV

"Yuna, come on." I hear Kimimaro say to me and I look over at him shocked that he's moving.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"We have to go retrieve Sasuke. Orochimaru's new body." Kimimaro says to me and I frown at his tone since its colder than usual.

I sheath my Katana and I attach it to my side as we walk and I see him glance at me as I frown.

"Don't frown, it doesn't suit you." Kimimaro says to me and I look at him as he smiles at me and I smile. "That's better." Kimimaro says to me and he ruffles my hair and we head out and after a while, I grab a casket, shocking two people and they look at me.

"Hey! You were with Kakashi-Sensei, what are you doing here?" The blonde boy asks me with a stupid look on his face.

"He sent you two?" Tayuya asks us shocked.

I hand the casket to Kimimaro and he nods, I look at Tayuya. "Hurry, your running out of time." I say to Tayuya and she nods.

I head off with Kimimaro with the blonde boy following us and we stop at a field.

"Yuna." Kimimaro says to me and I sigh.

"What a pain." I say and he nods and I stop the boy dead in his tracks as I tangle him in a forest, that is until he makes an unbelievable amount of shadow clones and I sigh again, not really in the mood for this.

He fights the both of us until the kid in the coffin comes out and then a boy in a green jump suit with bowl cut hair and bushy eye brows appears and the blonde kid gets past me.

I get a very unamused look on my face as I try catching this kid as he gets drunk but, I fail and I stomp in a pouting frustration.

"Oh come on! Why can't I hit you?" I ask pouting and Kimimaro rolls his eyes at me and my cheek puffs out in a pout as I continue, and finally his drunkness wears off and I can actually hit him now, until the red head from the Sand, Gaara, stops my vines with Sand. "What the bloody hell?" I ask and Gaara frowns at me and I know this is gonna be a tough fight and I groan. "Damn it." I say and Kimimaro gets ready to fight as well and we fight, side by side against Gaara, and I dodge Gaara's huge attacks by having vines pull me up and I see Kimimaro go under. "Kimimaro." I say with sad eyes and I look at Gaara as he looks up at me and I wait for a few moments before Kimimaro resurfaces and almost kills Gaara, but dies mid-way through.

Tears slip down my face and I jump up next to my best friend and I look at him sadly.

"She's crying." I hear bowl cut say shocked.

I look at my best friend and I rest my forehead on his. "I'm sorry Kimimaro, I couldn't save you, thank you for being my friend, rest well." I say to him quietly and I take a step back and onto an extended tree branch, I wipe my tears away and I turn around. "I don't know if you were trying to make his death quick or not, but I thank you, he isn't suffering anymore, he's been sick for a long time, but hasn't said anything until just a month ago when his condition got considerably worse." I say and Gaara looks at me shock as tears still fall down my face. "He was my best friend, I don't like seeing people suffer, I've never enjoyed it." I say and I glance back at Kimimaro with a sad look. "It'll be different now, not having any friends in that base, but, its better than watching people suffer." I say and Gaara and the kid look at me. "Kid with the bowl cut hair, what is your name?" I ask him.

"Rock Lee." He says to me proudly and I nod.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, both you and Gaara, I didn't want to leave Kimimaro alone on this mission in his condition, I didn't even want to come, but, I had to. I don't want you anymore trouble today, I hope one day, peace will be in the nations and I don't have to worry about things like this happening again." I say and Gaara's eyes narrow.

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