Chapter 6

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A Month Later - Yuna's POV

I head to the base door as I hear knocking and I once again, open the door to just a crack and I see Leaf Shinobi and my eyes narrow and I close it again.

I run down the halls to my room and I pack my bag up before I run down the corridors again and I see a few shinobi flooding most of them and I set off a few traps, catching some so I can run on the walls past them.

"YOU!" Someone yells pointing to me and I look over to see Kakashi and my eyed widen in alarm.

I continue running and I get the hell out of this base with Kakashi hot on my tail.

"Leave me alone." I say to him and I see Leaf Shinobi coming out from the forest blocking my paths. "Ah shit." I say as I skid to a stop and I look up to see a net and my eyes narrow. I jump up, slicing through it with my katana and I run on an extended branch that I'm making and Kakashi still follows me in hot pursuit.

Damn it, where do I go? I've only known that base and my childhood home and that prison. Wah? My childhood home, think, where was it? It should be somewhere in the Land of Fire. Wait, I can't go there, damn it.

I dodge a hound of dogs and I bite my thumb and I do the hand signs for the summoning Jutsu and I summon Carla, a giant blue snake and I jump onto her head, leaving Kakashi behind pretty quickly but he follows the path of destruction.

"Yuna, what is the meaning of this?" Carla asks me.

"Leaf Shinobi attacked the base." I say to her and she nods.

Once I see Kakashi far out of sight, I unsummon Carla and I jump into the forest and into the tree's. I run and run and run and I find a cave that I block off with trees and I fall on my behind, tired.

I breath heavily and drop my bag next to me.

"Whose there?" Someone askes and I freeze.

"My name is Yuna, whose there?" I ask and a guy comes out and I look at him shocked.

He's about 20 years older than me I'd say about 40, early forties at least. He has a lumberjack beard that's tinged with gray, but what shocks me the most, is that he looks like me.

"Gary." He says to me and sees trees and foliage blocking the entrance and he looks at me surprised.

I slowly get up, still tired. "I'm sorry, I intruded didn't I?" I ask nervously as I pick up my bag.

"A Lin." He finally says after a minute and I start to get very nervous. "But, there was only one Lin, a girl." He says shocked.

I sense Kakashi's chakra getting closer and I look out the foliage before I see silver hair and my eyes narrow.

"What is going on?" The old man asks me and I pull him to the back of the cave, shushing him.

"I'm being chased, by someone who doesn't give up and its annoying." I say to him quietly and he nods.

I see Kakashi stop at the entrance and the old man looks at him shocked.

"That's the white fang." The old man says shocked and I shake my head.

"That is his son, Kakashi Hatake of the Sharigan Eye, the Copy Ninja." I say to him quietly.

"I can hear you Yuna." Kakashi says at the entrance and I curse quietly and I walk to the entrance.

"What the bloody hell Kakashi?" I ask him.

"You know what." Kakashi says to me annoyed.

"What is going on?" The old man asks as he walks out of the shadows.

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