Chapter 16

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A Week Later - Yuna's POV

I trip on a rock and I yelp and Haru catches me as I'm about 4 inches from face planting.

"You need to be more careful Yuna." Haru says to me with a sigh as he pulls me up.

"You guys are so slow!" Nori complains way ahead of us.

"I'm walking for the enjoyment of the scenery." I say to her as Haru sighs at the both of us.

"And I have to watch her because she's klutzy today." Haru says to her and I puff my cheek out in a pout as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm an adult you know." I mutter in a sulking mood.

I see the Hidden Cloud Gates ahead of us and I think about it for a moment.

"Do I want to have Lord Raikage yelling at us, or do I want to continue on like I never saw the gates?" I ponder aloud as we walk and I turn around on my heel and walk the opposite way.

"Coward." Haru says with an amused sigh.

"Look Haru, sometimes you just have to ask yourself, what your willing to put up with today, not fucking that, sorry, village life isn't for me, I like isolation, I'm not willing to put up with yelling today, or the villagers accusations against me in general or crap, so, you all can enjoy that if you want, I'm heading back into the forest." I say to him as I walk.

"Aww c'mon, he's calmed down, a little." Nori says to me and I just ignore it and continue walking.

"He hates me Nori, and so does half of that village, I'm not stepping into a danger zone today. I've already vowed not to step a foot into that village again because I've had a few, let's says 'rough', experiences, I'm not dealing with that again." I say to her and she pouts.

"She doesn't want to go Nori, she's made up her mind about it." Haru says to her.

"If I drag you, you technically wouldn't be stepping in there." Nori says to me and I jump up onto a rock and I sit down.

I pull my book out and I start reading.

"Come on Nori, she's made up her mind, she'll be there waiting for us when we get back." Haru says to her with an amused sigh.

"Fine." Nori says defeated and I glance up as they head into the village and I go back to reading.

After a while they come back and Haru sees me still there, in the same position.

"See, she didn't move." Haru says to Nori.

I get up and I put my book away and I jump off the rock.

A week Later

I see the gates of the Sand Village and I sweat drop.

"People like you here, right?" Haru asks me and I crack a nervous smile.

"Some do, some don't." I say to him and Haru sighs.

"How many enemies have you made?" Nori asks me with an amused smile.

"Anyone who hates Orochimaru, hates me, except for the Leaf and Gaara and you guys and Old Man, everyone else is my enemy." I say to her with a nervous smile.

"People are biased." Haru says and grabs my wrist and start dragging me with them.

"This isn't gonna be good." I mutter under my breath and we get to the gates.

"Stop. Who are you?" Baki asks and I walk forward with a nervous smile.

"Hey Baki." I say to him.

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