Chapter 10

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The Next Day - Yuna's POV

I run a hand through my short hair as I look at the prices of meat, comparing prices.

I move forward just a step as a guy runs at me and he nearly runs past, until I grab the bag he stole and I pin him to the ground.

"Thank you." A woman my age says to me with a smile as I hold her bag up to her.

"No problem." I say and I go back to doing what I was doing.

"That one." The woman says pointing to the bottom rack. "Its cheaper and it has more meat, plus you can use it for different things too." She says to me with a smile.

I look at her surprised. "Thanks." I say to her as I put it in my basket.

"My name is Nori Lin, I've been looking for my twin, we got accidentally separated at birth, I was told she was around these parts." The woman says to me.

I smile nervously. "My name is Yuna Lin, I didn't think there were any Lin's left, I was told that they were all dead." I say to her and she gasps.

"Your a Lin and if your in this area, then this is where Mother and Father are and"

"They haven't come back in a long time, when I was four they went out and didn't come back." I say to her and she looks t me shocked. "This place was a war zone in the 3rd Shinobi War, they might have gone out to protect me, but I don't know." I say to her.

"So does that mean we're sisters then?" She asks me.

"I wouldn't know and the only one who could do a blood test near here, is someone I'd like to avoid completely." I say to her.

"Then we go to the Leaf Hospital." She says to me with a smile and a daunting look appears in my eyes at the thought of people I don't know, taking my blood.

"Not today, I just dealt with people yesterday, a lot of them." I say nervously and she looks at me confused.

"Are you socially awkward?" She asks me.

"Slightly, I was imprisoned most of my life so I don't know how to act with large amounts of people." I say as I start walking and I get stuff I need.

"Really? By who?" Nori asks me as I get some season salt from a shelf and I put it in my basket.

"Orochimaru." I say to her and she looks at me shocked while I just look at the list of things I need, mentally checking off everything I have. "Rice, let's see." I say to myself as I head to that isle and I find the normal brand I use and I put a few bags in my basket and I go to find noodles and eggs with Nori following me.

"Your really focused on this aren't you?" Nori asks me.

"This is my weekly shopping trip, I'm trying to get everything I need." I say to her and she nods.

Once I have everything I head to the counter and I pay then head home with Nori still following me.

I put the food away and I head outside.

"Follow me." I say to her and she does and we head to a clearing. "Show me your Kekkie Genkai, if your actually a Lin, you'll be able to use it." I say to her.

"You don't trust me?" She asks me shocked.

"I was told there wasn't anyone left and you need to verify your story." I say to her and she pouts, but nonetheless, she makes trees grow and flowers bloom.

"Now you." Nori says to me.

I blink and I put my hands behind my black while closing my eyes, sakura trees start growing along with vines and oak trees, the grass gets greener and flowers bloom brightly, the terrain shifts to make a few small hills and dandelions, tulips and other small and medium flowers cover the ground.

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