Chapter 12

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One Year Later - Yuna's POV

I head to the Leaf Village gates, 10 times more confident since I've been visiting once or twice a month.

"Yuna, good to see you back." The one guard asks, I learned his name was Izumo.

"Hey Izumo, Kotesu, yeah, Kakashi sent a message saying there was some trouble?" I ask confused.

"Trouble, oh, that." Kotesu says and his face falls dead serious. "Head to the square, you'll see it there." Kotestu says to me and I nod.

I head to the square and I see a party going on.

"Did I get the right square?" I ask confused.

"YUNA!" Nori yells latching onto me grinning.

"Yeah I got the wrong square." I say and I hear Kakashi's chuckle and I look over.

"Finally, the trouble is about to begin." Kakashi says and he pushes me to the center. "Alright everyone, our star guest is here." Kakashi says while tapping his glass and everything stops and everyone looks at me.

I scowl at Kakashi. "Yeah, trouble, trouble for you." I say and he laughs nervously.

"Yuna!" Naruto cheers along with Kiba, Sakura, Tenten and Lee.

"This is your final test." Kakashi says to me. "You have to be able to handle a party." Kakashi says to me and I nod, determination in my eyes.

"Right." I say and Kakashi nods and during the party, I talk to people easily with a smile.

Once its over Naruto, Sakura, Ino and Tenten cheer.

"We did it, we cured her!" Naruto cheers.

"Did I pass?" I ask Kakashi and he chuckles.

"Yes Yuna, you passed." Kakashi says to me and I cheer.

"Yay!" I cheer and everyone watches me amused.

"Yuna! You did it!" Nori cheers latching on to me.

"So optimistic." Kakashi says amused and everyone nods at the pair of us.

"I guess that's the Lin Clan for you." Darui says to him and Kakashi nods.

A Few Months Later

I hear an explosion near my Cabin and my eye twitches slightly at the disturbance.

I grab my katana and I head out and I find a group of people with glowing eyes and mine narrow as they look at me.

"Yuna." Sasuke says grabbing me and getting me away from there.

"What the bloody hell was wrong with them?" I ask as he sets me down on a tree branch.

"They explode if they get hurt, something is going on." Sasuke says to me as I crouch on the branch, watching them.

"This is gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with." I say and Sasuke nods.

"I'll handle this." Sasuke says to me and I nod, he goes down and stops them and I jump down after him and we head to the town and I see two people here I've never met before.

I walk over to the group of villager and I look at them. "What happened?" I ask them concerned.

"Yuna, its awful." The woman Yuru says to me crying and I look at her worried.

"What is?" I ask her.

"Who is this?" The one girl asks looking at me.

I look at a group of exploding humans coming and my eyes narrow as I see they're from neiboring villages.

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