LunaXReader- Expecto Patronum

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I was making my way to the room of requirements for another meeting for the D.A.  Harry was doing great teaching us all these different spells, but the bad things was that I was the only Slytherin. I understand why, but there are tons of other Slytherins who would loved to be apart of the D.A . The only reason they actually allowed me to join was because of my friend Luna and a little help of Ginny.

I finally got there, looking around to make sure I wouldn't be followed. I entered and saw that I was the last to enter. Everyone was just practicing spells. In the beginning we each got a partner or group to practice with and we stuck with them for the rest of the time. My partner was Luna and I scanned the room and saw her practicing spells on her  own. I quickly threw down my bag and ran to her.

"Sorry I'm late, Draco kept questioning me." I said taking out my wand. Draco was my cousin so that was another reason they didn't trust me as much. "It's fine, Harry said that we are gonna practice some of the spells we learnt then we are going to start on the patrons charm." She said smiling. I nodded and we started.

After a while, Harry got our attention. "Okay so you all have been doing good, and I think you all might now be ready to start on the patrons charm. The charm helps mostly against dementors, but can also be used as a protection charm. Now the words for this spell should be spoken very clearly, 'Expecto Patronym'. Now for this to work you have to think of your happiest memory. It must be powerful, so find it then you may start. Remember the key is to concentrate." Everyone went silent, thinking of the perfect memory.

This was a bit hard for me. Most of my life existed of bad memories. I dug further. For the last 4 years I've been at Hogwarts I had to have one good memory. I thought and thought, when I heard someone say "Expecto Patronym!" Then another "Expecto Patronym!" I started feeling embarrassed.

I couldn't think of anything. I started quivering. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder, that's when I opened my eyes, not even realising they were closed. "Y/n are you okay ?" It was Luna. I shook my head. "I-I, c-can't...." I stuttered out. "You can Y/n. Just think of  something...." I shook my head again.

She then turned me around and did something I didn't expect. She kissed me. Luna Lovegood my best friend, my all time crush just kissed me. She pulled away not really giving me time to kiss back. "Maybe that will help. Try again." She smiled at me and my face was most probably as red as a tomato. I nodded and lifted me wand. I breathed in and thought about what just happened about 1 minute ago. "Expecto Patronym." That's when a blue line left my wand creating a figure and turning in to a bunny. It was the cutest thing. It jumped around me and I laughed. That's when I looked towards Luna. She had a animal jumping around her as well. It was a bunny just like mine. I walked towards her and did something I wanted to do earlier. I kissed her. Once we pulled apart I put my head against hers. "How did you know it would work?" I whispered. "I guessed." She smiled at me and then I was the happiest I have ever been.

Our moment was ruined as we heard a loud bang. I grabbed her hand and turned towards the sound. There was another bang and Harry walked towards the wall. He then jumped away pulling another boy with him. The wall came crashing down. I closed my eyes and pulled Luna in to me. Once the dust disappeared, we saw the bitch herself. Umbridge and her little cloony's. Draco was smirking at me. That's when I knew, this was all my fault.

I looked towards Luna and she smiled at me giving me a kiss on the cheek. I gave her a sad smile and when I looked up everyone was looking at me. I shook me head, let go of Luna's hand and ran. I pushed past Draco ripping my arm from him when he grabbed it. I ran and ran until I came to a stop in front of stairs. I realized I was at the astronomy tower. I ran up them and collapsed to the ground. Tears were by now streaming down my face. I felt horrible, I just wanted to fit in, people to see past the green on my clothing and the snake on my badge. I want them to see me. The short, h/l, h/c girl. Who is in love with a short blonde Ravenclaw who is the most amazing person I met, that probably now hates me. I cried and cried.

It was probably by now past curfew, but I didn't care. I just wanted to stay here and cry. It was then I heard foot steps. I tried to get up and run to a corner, but my legs gave out under me. I was exhausted. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes ready for someone to shout at me when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Y/n...." It was calm, but it came from the person who at this moment I hated the most. I swatted away his hand. "Go a-away.." I had a huge lump in my throat so it was hard to talk. He stayed silent and sat next to me and sighed. "Look I'm sorry." I shook my head, "No you're not." I said venom laced my voice. "It's just, I'm jealous. Every person loves you and everyone hates me."  "Well it's probably because I don't call them a mudblood or a blood traitor every five minutes." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah well you know why, but even my father loves you more than me." This is where I rolled my eyes.

"He doesn't, he hates me, despises me. It might seem that he likes me, but you haven't seen him when we're alone." I then started shaking thinking back on it.

"Y/n your shaking..... What does he do to you?" He said in a stern voice. Draco was like my brother, people might have hated him, but he was the only other person I could rely on. "H-e.......he." I gulped. Draco pulled me in to a hug. "Shhh, I understand shhhh. I'm so sorry." He rocked me back and forth. And for the first time that night I looked up and him and gasped. He was crying. No one except me and Narcissa have seen Draco cry and it's a very rare occurrence. That's when I rapped my arms around him. "Draco....." I sighed in to his shoulder. "I'm sorry, it's just.." I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Like I said me and Draco are like siblings. So I knew about his crush on Harry Potter. Draco tended to get a bit emotional about Harry, since Harry hates him and he thinks Draco is a git and yet the only reason he acts like he does is because of his father.

As I petted his back he let out a sob. That's how we sat the in tire night. He and I comforting each other while crying. It was by now sunrise and, he and I were sitting with our feet tangling off the edge just sitting in a comforting silence.

"Uh, thanks again, I really needed that, and I'm sorry." I smiled "It's fine I understand, really I do and I needed it too." It became silent again. "Do you think.... he might ever give me chance?" He sniffed. "Maybe , I don't know he is Harry Potter." I shrugged. That's when we heard a groan. We both jumped to our feet, wands in hand.

Then the intruders face was shown. Harry bloody Potter himself. "P-Potter?!" Draco said astonished and a bit embarrassed, do to our previous conversation. "Um, uh hi ?" I lowered my wand and smirked. Harry obviously heard what we said a few minutes ago, and  the bags under his eyes indicates maybe everything from last night. I also saw a bright blush on not just Draco, but Harry's face. I smiled and gave Draco a quick peck on the cheek before smirking at both of the oblivious boys and ran down the staircase. That's when I bumped in to someone. I looked up and wanted to burst in to tears right that second. 

"Luna..." She grabbed me in a hug. "Y/n... I-I was so worried I didn't know where you were and...." I petted her hair and pulled back enough to see her face. "I'm sorry. But I thought you hated me?" She shook her head. "I could never hate you, I love you to much." I smiled and then kissed her as if the world was about to end. It was sweet, but  passionate, and it was then and there I knew everything was going to be okay.

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