Pansmione- Because

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(Part 2 to Why?)

Hermione's P.O.V.

Because people will judge me. Because I'm head girl. Because I love Ron. Because I don't care.


These are all excuses I try to make for why I hurt you. Excuses to myself for enjoying your company and feeling proud, when I'm the reason you laughed. But now that's all gone.

I never see you anymore. You don't eat it's obvious. You don't sleep, I see the bags under your eyes. I see that you've cried, because your eyes are red. And it's my fault. It's all my fault. People tell me how disgusted they are that there's a lesbo in our school and all I can do is nod.

"Ugh she's so disgusting." "Thank goodness you escaped her before she turned you gay, and affected you with her gayness." "See Ron's much better than a girl" "Yeah mate, and plus Mioné could never like a girl."

They were all lies, and all I could do was nod along and pretend that I was happy. Pretend that Ron's jokes made me laugh. Pretend that with out you I could smile and be happy.

But I still ask myself why ? 'Why do I lie to myself?' 'Why do I put up with this?' 'Why do I care?' 'Why didn't I kiss back?' And they all end the same.

Because I'm ashamed.

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