Linny- Flower Crowns

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(This isn't edited so sorry in advance)

Ginny was having a bad day. So she also wasn't in much of a pleasant mood, so when Snape took away 15 points, just because she wasn't concentrating for two seconds, she didn't feel any better. It was on days like these everyone seemed to stay out of her way, expecting her to blow up and maybe even break their nose, when all she wanted was someone to talk to.

So she was very surprised when she was sitting in the library and a flower crown landed in front of her with a note that said :

I noticed you've been feeling down. I hope this cheers you up. Remember we might have bad days, but for good reasons.

It was a small gesture and there was no name, but Ginny's mood was lifted. Knowing that someone noticed and actually cared made her day a 1000 times better. It was since that day that whenever she was feeling down she would get a flower crown. If it was just because she got bad marks in an assignment or test, the mystery person would be there to brighten her day with another hand made flower crown and small note.

Ginny kept every one. She had them all displaced in her room, on her trunk, in front if her bed. Some even on her nightstand or four poster bed. After a while she got curious of who would send these small notes and gifts that would make her day. So one morning in the great hall she started scanning everyone. By now she noticed it was a girl by the neat handwriting and subtle structure of the flower crowns. Today, coincidentally, she started that time of the month so she was munching away on a piece of chocolate in a bit of a mood. Another flower crown landed in front of her. To her surprise she also felt a hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned around only to be met with a bright smile.

"I saw you were having a bad day." The voice belonged to the one and only......

Luna Lovegood.

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